
Donald Trump ‘doesn’t think about Marco Rubio,’ aide Michael Cohen says

Donald Trump belittled GOP presidential rival Marco Rubio as “a kid” on Thursday, boasting that he’s better versed on Syria than the Florida senator, who sits on both the Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations committees. “I’ve been so – but he’s in favor of immigration,” Trump said at the Value Voters Summit, before quickly moving on.


A new Quinnipiac national poll shows that Trump is still in the lead in the Republican field while Rubio is in fifth place. It was the Gang of Eight, really weak on immigration.

Breaking his silence on Trump, Rubio responded Thursday that the real estate mogul relies on attacking people. It’s that he wrote, lobbied for, and then later renounced legislation that would’ve done exactly the thing that has Trump’s supporters in such a lather. “You have to be”.

Trump, who is now the GOP front-runner, even predicted he will bring Rubio “down” in the polls.

A day earlier, Trump had called Rubio a “lightweight” while campaigning in South Carolina and criticized his lack of foreign policy experience. “There’s no reason to attack Marco Rubio“.

With most of the presidential nominees fighting for the media spotlight, Republican candidate Marco Rubio is running a much more quiet campaign and he’s gaining steam.

“This won’t solve every scheduling conflict between work and family life – no policy can”, Rubio said.

“He’s got the worst voting record in the United States Senate”, Trump said during his appearance on “New Day” on CNN.

Trump later told reporters, “those weren’t boos, those were cheers”. Beforehand, though, word of House Speaker John A. Boehner’s abrupt resignation reached Trump as he made his way down a hotel staircase.

“When I chose to run for president, people said, ‘It’s not your turn, you have to wait.’ Again, I didn’t know there was a line”. Now, I think that’s OK, (but)…

Trump: I believe that I will get along – we will do – between that, Ukraine, all of the other problems, we won’t have the kind of problems that our country has right now with Russian Federation and many other nations.


“Trump is his own worst enemy”, said Gary Frazier, a Texas-based conservative activist who attended the summit. He noted, several times, that he was winning evangelical voters, but (as he hoisted his Bible) referred to them as a third party.

Sen. Marco Rubio R-Fla. speaks at a Sept. 18 forum for GOP presidential candidates in Greenville S.C. hosted by Heritage Action For America