
Donald Trump Drops Out Of CPAC

Donald Trump will no longer speak at the annual conservative confab CPAC this weekend, he announced Friday.


Overall, the governor said, Obama’s “been an incredible recruiter for conservative candidates”.

For years, CPAC has served as a sounding board for rising Republican political hopefuls where activists can hear their plans.

“Because of this, he will not be able to speak at CPAC as he has done for many consecutive years”, the Trump campaign said in a statement.

The Conservative Political Action Conference organizers are expecting this year’s event to shatter last year’s attendance record of roughly 11,000. In terms of year-on-year visibility, Wooldridge and his pro-pot agenda are probably second only to William Temple, who shows up in colonial garb every year (and is, reportedly, not a Trump fan).

“CPAC is the heart and soul of the conservative movement and will be, with or without Mr. Trump”, ACU said. “He makes fun of people with disabilities, he makes fun of McCain for having been a POW, he makes fun of women like Carly Fiorina”.

According to a press release, Trump will be in “Witchita [sic], Kanasas [sic]”.

“I’m gay and I’m for Trump”, said Jacobson, who believes Trump is less “degrading” to gay people than some of the other candidates.

While the Republican frontrunner is generally greeted by friendly crowds stacked with enthusiastic supporters at his own rallies, there is discord among the die-hard conservatives attending the D.C.-area conference, which kicked off today. “Because I am anti-establishment, but what we need most of all is not just someone who wants to breathe fire on Washington, but someone who will breathe passion into our children for a Constitutional recovery”.


Many of those opposing Trump told ABC News they were hoping to see ideas presented on the sidelines of the conference to wrest control of the primary away from Trump, but there is little evidence that such organizing is underway. On Thursday, former nominee Mitt Romney delivered a speech exclusively to tear down Trump and urge Republicans to vote for one of his opponents.

Conservative Activists Gather for CPAC