
Donald Trump Edges Ahead of Hillary Clinton — LA Times Poll

The reversal comes as voters more fully come to terms with Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state.


Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination a month before California’s primary.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday found that a majority of Americans rejected Comey’s decision not to recommend the Justice Department press criminal charges against Clinton.

“She’s innocent until proven guilty, but to me the Federal Bureau of Investigation director called her guilty and then gave her a pass card”, said James Thompson, a 57-year-old Republican from Colchester, Connecticut. They would have been down the river. Even so, both Clinton and Trump are viewed unfavorably by many Millennials, with almost as many respondents remaining undecided as favor Trump.

The discrepancy between the two polling firms is enormous. Nonwhites overwhelmingly supported Clinton in achieving these objectives, giving her a lead of 45 points or more in every category tested-and of more than 50 points in five of the six.

In addition, 36 percent think Clinton used bad judgment but did not do anything illegal.

But few were making the connection to the Dallas shootings, which not only help explained Clinton’s precipitous dip among white voters in just one week, but also the ease with which Trump was crafting a fresh batch of “Law and Order” messaging to tap into white voter fears.

Clinton leads in North Carolina, 44 percent to 38 percent, which went to GOP candidate Mitt Romney in 2012, and to Obama in 2008.

Forty-seven percent of Trump’s supporters consider him only slightly or not at all civil, 39 percent say he’s slightly or not at all likable and 31 percent said he’s only slightly or not at all qualified. Lopez, meanwhile, said he considers Trump to be racist and described him as “a rich guy who tried to step on a lot of toes”.

“I personally know that I have work to do on this front”, she said in Chicago last month. Democrats panicked, Republicans beamed, and pundits began saying it’s time to rethink previous assumptions and consider the possibility that Trump may be elected president in the fall.

A number of respondents stated that they would consider leaving the US if their rival candidate was elected as president.

Women are more likely than men to have a favorable opinion of Clinton, 40 percent to 33 percent.

With the issue of immigration reform being among the most critically debated issues of this year’s campaign season, Clinton’s huge favorability advantages among Latinos fall within the range typically needed by a Democratic candidate to secure the White House.

Thompson, of CT, said he supported neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s campaign in the Republican primaries but recently placed a Trump bumper sticker on his auto. “So yes, I can say the reason I sometimes sound careful with my words is not that I’m hiding something, it’s just that I’m careful with my words”. “The truthfulness is everything”.

Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump if the election were held today, heading to a relatively easy victory even if Trump were to win the key battleground state of Ohio.


In recent weeks, Clinton has started to acknowledge that many voters simply do not trust her.

It seems nothing is safe from the US presidential race            
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