
Donald Trump Exudes Confidence Ahead Of Early Primaries

Donald Trump thinks his supporters are so devoted that he could “shoot somebody” on Fifth Avenue without losing any voters. Ted Cruz for president, Cruz’s campaign announced Saturday.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says his supporters are so loyal they would stick with him even if he shot somebody.

Trump has lead in most polls for months.

On the Democratic side, the newspaper picked Hillary Clinton over her chief rival, Sen. On Tuesday, Gov. Terry Branstad urged his fellow Iowans to vote against Cruz because of his opposition to ethanol – and former Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin endorsed Trump.

“We need a new George Washington”, Beck said, according to the press release.

No federal elected official has yet to endorse Trump although others, like Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, have appeared at Trump rallies.

THE FRONT-RUNNER for the Republican nomination to contest this year’s US Presidential election Donald Trump says that he could shoot someone and still not lose voters. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, in rallies nine days before the Iowa caucuses open voting in the 2016 campaign.

Cruz himself recently told reporters that the “Washington establishment is rushing so quickly” behind Trump because has was actually a Democrat much longer than he has been a Republican and they know he’d “cut a deal” with the other side. The Iowa senator, known as the “hog farmer from New Harford”, has never endorsed in the caucuses and always been beloved among Republicans in the Hawkeye State.

Pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson was leading in polls of Iowa Republicans in October, but since Oct. 31, polls have showed either Trump or Cruz in the lead.

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley was the introductory speaker at Mr. Trump’s Pella event. “If Donald Trump wins, it’s going to be a snowball to hell”.

At his Sioux Center event, Trump called Beck a “loser” and “sad sack”. The conservative National Review magazine last week published a scathing editorial titled “Against Trump”. He highlighted the point by making a pistol with his fingers and pointing as he said it. Many of these first-time attendees, 43 percent, are supporting Trump, while 19 percent favor Cruz and 14 percent Rubio.


Grassley may not endorse anyone before the primary on February 1, but if he does, his word will carry a lot of weight with Iowa Republicans. They said Rubio “represents his party’s best hope”, though they interestingly did not indicate whether their support was conditional on Rubio not trying to murder anyone.

Donald Trump Exudes Confidence Ahead Of Early Primaries