
Donald Trump faces real reality TV on Thursday night

And I’m amazed that despite his lying continuously, bigotry, fear mongering, belittling of immigrants, nastiness, crassness toward women, deceitful business dealings and economic ideas that could lead us to a depression, the biggest deal of the Republican National Convention was that Trump’s wife plagiarized part of her speech from Michelle Obama.


Donald Trump accused Democratic rival Hillary Clinton of a legacy of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness” as USA secretary of state and vowed to be tough on crime and illegal immigrants in a speech on Thursday accepting the Republican presidential nomination.

Paul Manafort told NBC’s “Today” Thursday that Trump invited his primary opponents to address the convention in Cleveland because “he views the primary process as over”.

That will set the stage for Trump the candidate. His nominating event has been consumed by a plagiarism charge, unusually harsh criticism of Clinton, and Texas Sen.

Ted Cruz, however, did something you rarely see in politics. To further twist your mind, he invoked “conscience” to make that point.

Donald Trump has had three wives: Ivana Trump (née Zelnickova, married from 1977-1992), Marla Maples (1993-1999), and Melania Trump (née Knauss, since 2005).

Trump also suggests that Clinton is responsible for the creation of ISIS in the Middle East-even though the group didn’t formally split from al Qaeda until she left office.

“People from my own delegation were physically approaching her while yelling at her. So, I physically moved media out of her way, and got in the way of my own delegation so she could clear by and get out of the arena”, he said.

“I think it was very bad, and quite frankly, I think it was selfish”, Christie said.

A new swath of polling by CBS/YouGov among 11 key battleground states shows that more voters consider Trump’s selection of Pence as “cautious” rather than “bold”, “boring” as opposed to “exciting” and as bringing “stability” rather than “uncertainty” to the ticket.

The assertion that presidential candidates need a unified and message-controlled convention for electoral success is a U.S. political truism.

Cruz knew exactly what he was doing in delivering a stemwinder that failed to include any hint of an endorsement.

As Trump wrapped up his convention, Clinton was closing in on her selection of a running mate. The Democrats’ lone Hispanic senator is Sen. But Cruz is smart enough to know that it is impossible to predict whether this will help or hurt him four years hence.

The GOP vice presidential nominee told Fox News Thursday that he is grateful Cruz came to the convention noted that the Texas senator did congratulate Trump on winning a hard-fought campaign.

As conventions go, this one has been chaos.

Donald Trump’s second son said that his family “didn’t have a reaction” to Cruz’s remarks, but the crowd sure did. As soon as Cruz said that-right after teasing, cruelly, with the line “please, don’t stay home in November”-the impatient Trump delegates who’d been waiting months for an endorsement from Cruz just lost it. They began to boo, reportedly egged on by Trump operatives, and soon enough Trump himself arrived on the scene, glowering from the stairs, stepping all over Cruz’s moment”.

To me, it seems like he’s lurching towards the moral argument now because he senses that the ideological one wasn’t well received, even with his own delegation from Texas. I am watching and I am listening. “If you’ve spent the last couple years complaining that all politicians are spineless hacks who only follow the weathervane and refuse to stand on principles, you’ve got no reason to complain this morning”. Ask individual delegates about Mrs Clinton and they get a glint in their eye – she’s “evil” a “liar” “dangerous”. Delegates demanded that he explain his decision not to back Trump, with one delegate saying Cruz broke the promise he made earlier to support whomever the nominee is.


Amid a crisis of global and national violence and runaway climate change, are we to trust a businessman who makes his money by cutting other people’s jobs, shortchanges the educations of people who paid for it and runs away from problems his businesses create?
