
Donald Trump Falls 12 Percent in One Week

Trump came under fire each one week ago for saying at another rally & in a nationally televised appearance in that he seen hundreds of individuals in Jersey City cheer the World Trade Center’s implosion.


The escalating rhetoric is prompting soul searching by minority members of the Republican Party, particularly Muslim Republicans, who worry that Mr Trump’s and Mr Carson’s comments will permanently damage the party’s standing among voters who would typically be drawn to its conservative fiscal policies and platform of traditional family values.

Today, 84 percent of Republicans disapprove of taking in Syrian refugees, most of whom are Muslims, compared with 40 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of independents, according to a Gallup poll released just before Thanksgiving. The Daily News called it the “lowest of the lows” when Trump criticized Kovalski by saying, “You outta see this guy…” and then Trump appeared to mimic Kovalski’s physical disabilities.

For his part, Donald Trump has enjoyed a steady and comfortable lead while riding high on his campaign horse. “It’s highly unlikely to cause a political penalty and there is no evidence that it has”.

“I think this issue exists on its own island”, said Steve Schmidt, a Republican political consultant who ran Sen.

“Who else is going to take on The New York Times?”. “But I can assure you that most if not all Muslim Americans are good and as much or more patriotic than any others”.

“We are just totally against everything he stands for, his so-called values, which are hate and racism”, she said as she proudly introduced her biracial daughter.

Republicans seem to think they can stampede frightened Americans into doing stupid things such as electing their raving, hysterical candidates in a public panic.

Trump arrived in his signature helicopter, greeting about 1,000 people who couldn’t cram into the 4,000-seat capacity Robarts Arena (on Twitter, Trump estimated the crowd at 12,000, adding, “Great love in the air!”).

“By the way”, he said Saturday, “everybody admits that worldwide, Muslims were absolutely going wild” over 9/11.

Last weekend he declared that if elected, he would bring back waterboarding – the controversial interrogation technique that simulates drowning but which has been scrapped by President Barack Obama after monitoring agencies said it amounted to torture.

“If they would have had the guns, they wouldn’t have had the carnage they had”, Trump said.


Some are likely asking what right wing violence am I talking about?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center on Tuesday Nov. 24 2015 in Myrtle Beach S.C