
Donald Trump Gets His Secret Service Code Name

The United States Secret Service is slated to start a round-the-clock protection for Republican presidential contenders Donald Trump and Ben Carson which includes assigning them special names.


Trump and Carson picked their monikers from a list of options chosen by the Secret Service, in consultation with the White House Communications Agency, a military agency in the White House.

During a lightning-round question at the second Republican debate about what Secret Service codenames the candidates would like, Trump jokingly suggested “Humble”, while Carson went with “One Nation”.

Secret Service officials say this makes it a little easier for agents to perk up when they hear a name beginning with that specific letter called out over the agency’s communications system that there is either a movement among the family or an issue to deal with. Eli is also a Hebrew word meaning “heaven” or “ascent”.


Carson has been assigned the name “Eli”, a reference to the biblical figure, reported Henry. The candidates then got to chose their favorite. The name is usually not a secret & doesn’t give away any sensitive info – it is merely used as a approach to have a brief, effortless name to explain the individual being protected amongst agents. The Secret Service uses a code name for each protected person, a handle that often connotes their profession, personality or reputation. The Secret Service granted their requests last week and service will reportedly begin for Trump on Wednesday morning. The most striking example was when George W. Bush was elected president and insisted that his code name from his time as the son of a president, TUMBLER, be changed to TRAILBLAZER.

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