
Donald Trump gives Mike Pence air kiss after RNC speech

The episode was tough to watch for Vanila Singh, a Woodside resident who had been a Cruz delegate before joining Trump’s slate. When it was Newt Gingrich’s turn to speak, the former U.S. House speaker sought to soothe the crowd with a positive spin on Cruz’s speech.


During the campaign for the party’s nomination, Trump insulted Cruz’s wife’s looks and suggested the Texan’s father was with John F. Kennedy’s assassin just before the president was shot in Dallas in 1963. Cruz, the congressman said, had an opportunity to help bring the party together with a unifying speech. “I want to see unity and the way for us to see unity is for us to unite behind shared principles, for us to unite in defense of liberty and for us to empower the grassroots”. “That’s what disgusts people out in the audience about politicians”.

Earlier in the week, the stop Trump movement had used those same words in an effort to try to persuade the delegates to vote for a rule that would allow them to vote differently than their state had voted.

Democrat Hillary Clinton, in a tweet, quickly echoed Cruz, saying, “Vote your conscience”.

But an equally interesting question is how: How did Cruz know that the phrase “vote your conscience” would be so widely and immediately read by Republicans as a hostile gesture towards Trump?

Competing passions were sharply on display Wednesday night when Trump’s fiercest primary rival, Ted Cruz, stopped far short of endorsing the nominee and drew loud boos.

Cruz – who is widely expected to run in 2020 should Trump lose to Hillary Clinton – was forced to wave and smile before completing his remarks and exiting to more jeers. I adore stickers but sported of from them… this anomaly… this is the Texas Republican Party in Texas has one hundred percent behind our nominee by Donald Trump upon realizing there would be no endorsement Wednesday night the nominee walkout during resistance… on of the report to creditors…

“How do you get booed out of your own convention, by your own party, by your own delegation”, the younger Trump told CBS’s “This Morning.”

“This is his chance to tell in his own words why he wants to be president, why he believes he is qualified to be president and what he plans to do if he is elected”, Chen said. It would allow him to argue, starting on November 8, that the party needed to return to its hardcore conservative and Christian roots. Because they know that Trump hardly ever talks about the Constitution, that it’s not a big part of his intellectual hinterland.

The Wisconsin governor, notably, had urged other candidates to drop out and coalesce around a challenger who could beat Trump previous year, only to be ignored. He said that he’s pathological and he’s got basically pathological disease…

That non-endorsement was rejected as “Washington speak” by Trump surrogate Chris Christie, former governor of New Jersey. “And quite frankly, I think it was selfish”. “I thought it was classless”.


Cruz halted his campaign two months ago, having outlasted all but Trump in a field that once numbered 17 candidates.

From left Melania Trump and Michelle Obama