
Donald Trump goes on a tear against media

But as Mr Trump sees it, his lower polling numbers are a result of unfair media representation of words he actually says. Only 37 percent of NY voters said she is honest and trustworthy, while 60 percent said she is not. “Whereas on the Trump side, it’s what insane thing did he say today and the response to that”.


In recent weeks, the NY real estate mogul has suggested Russian intelligence hack Hillary Clinton’s email servers; implied “Second Amendment people” could assassinate either his opponent or potential Supreme Court justices; and said both the Democratic nominee and President Barack Obama “founded” Islamic State.

Should the presidential election be held today, former First Lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be a runaway victor in NY.

Trump will get another chance to reset his campaign on Monday when he is expected to lay out his plan for defeating what running mate Mike Pence on Sunday called, “radical Islamic terrorism” with “real specifics” on how to make the United States safer.

And then he declared, over 20 times in just two days, that President Obama was the “founder of ISIS” only to then say he was being sarcastic but “not that sarcastic”.

And just last week, Trump’s NY campaign co-chair, Buffalo developer Carl P. Paladino, told Time Warner Cable News that Trump would do another swing through the state’s major cities in September, just as he had done before winning the state’s Republican primary in April.

“Donald Trump laid out the first of what will be a series of major addresses on a broad range of policies that will articulate our – our vision for a new administration in Washington D.C.”, he said.

“As a factual matter, on Monday, my show covered Mr. Trump’s speech, OK? Although, the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know”, he said.

Trump has slipped in opinion polls, and anxious Republican Party leaders have urged him to stop making off-the-cuff inflammatory statements that generate blanket, often negative, media coverage and distract from efforts to highlight what they see as Clinton’s many shortcomings. They became public on Tuesday and showed her interacting with lobbyists, political and Clinton Foundation donors and business interests while serving as secretary of state.


Clinton is also viewed as being more effective in working with Congress to move America forward, with 60 percent saying she will collaborate well with the legislature and only 31 percent saying the same of Trump. The poll has an overall margin of error of 4.3 percentage points.

Donald Trump