
Donald Trump had to be rescued from stuck elevator in Colorado Friday

Becca Burnett, 35, said Obama and Clinton would be the only presidents her young children would know. “This is why our country doesn’t work”, Trump said from the stage at his Friday rally, which began almost an hour late as a result of the mishap. “We have plenty of space here”, Trump said Friday as he pointed around the facility. “But we do resent people who take advantage of others in order to line their own pockets”.


In Colorado Springs, Mr Trump got sidetracked by a couple of disputes from a year ago as he tried to rebut a Clinton campaign ad.

In response to the backlash from professors and some students over UCCS allowing the Trump campaign to lease on-campus space, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak stated “University of Colorado can not discriminate against political candidates on the basis of their viewpoints”.

“So they do a commercial like I am mocking a person with disability”.

“I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy”. As the Gazette reported, he received the honor in February at a ceremony that drew 350 people. “He’s probably a Democrat, a guy that doesn’t get it”.

Trump arrived at his event half an hour late and proceeded to criticize the local fire marshal for capping rally attendance for safety reasons.

Holding artwork depicting Trump kissing Russian President Vladimir Putin, Brittany Smaridge, 30, called a possible Trump presidency “terrifying”. “We don’t need more problems, and that’s going to be more problems”.

“She made it sound like everything is rosy-dory”, Trump said.

Chanting “elevate above the hate” and “love trumps hate”, hundreds of protesters on Friday derided Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, his appearance in Colorado Springs and his vision for the nation.

Just a few months ago, Trump waved off concerns about his temperament, saying he’d be so presidential that we’ll all be bored.

Tuchman: “How did you know that it was a joke?” “I don’t recognize the country that Donald Trump describes”, she said. “But you know what, I’m starting to agree with you”.

“After watching that performance last night, such lies, I don’t have to be so nice anymore”, Mr Trump announced in Colorado Springs.

“I’m gonna be here a lot”, Trump said.

“I was curious to see whether she’d do a class act and not mention my name”, he said. Even Republican Senator Jeff Flake is trying to get Trump to stop it.


Two weeks of speeches, music, infighting and ultimately mountains of balloons and confetti for Democrats and Republicans have cemented the terms of the debate and left both parties as unified as they can be.

Clinton, Trump take White House fight to swing states