
Donald Trump has edge over Ben Carson in post-debate Iowa poll

Donald Trump lashed out at his Republican main rivals once more Wednesday. morning in a testy exchange with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, saying in that famed neurosurgeon Ben Carson has “no chance” & calling Florida Sen.


On Tuesday, the results of an NBC/WSJ poll reflected a potential tie between Ben Carson and Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical matchup with both of them having a 47 percent score. The poll also says Marco Rubio has 14 percent with Ted Cruz close behind, at 13 percent. Twenty-seven percent of the poll respondents who watched the debate said Rubio did the best job, while 20 percent gave the nod to Texas Senator Ted Cruz. They also show voters are starting to pay more attention to the election. But either Democrat has trouble beating any of the leading Republicans, especially Carson, in head-to-head match-ups. Bernie Sanders. Three percent said they would support former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.

The CNN/ORC survey was conducted October 29th through November 4th and included 548 likely Republican presidential caucus-goers and 498 likely Democratic presidential caucus-goers.

Women go 45 percent for Carson and 44 percent for Clinton, while men back the Republican 55 – 35 percent. She received support from 46 percent of respondents, compared to 38 percent for Trump, with 16 percent undecided.

The Times reported that Carson’s position in the NBC/WSJ poll on Monday was “the highest any Republican candidate has reached in that survey”.

Trump leads among every single demographic group except for black Republicans, who support Carson. For instance, only one in four of those surveyed say that they have a positive view of Bush and 58% admitted to holding a negative view. Marco Rubio with 10 percent. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points, with a 95 percent level of confidence.


Trump said that Rubio is soft on illegal immigration, has made questionable decisions on his personal finances, and has missed too many votes in the U.S. Senate.

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