
Donald Trump Has Strong Lead in New Hampshire; Marco Rubio, Ben

About the polls: SoonerPoll conducted the survey by phone November 12-15, 2015 of likely voters, registered to vote in Oklahoma.


The survey includes 474 Republicans and 404 Democrats.

The presidential race. Among Republicans, the top three of Carson, Rubio and Trump were all bunched well within the poll’s margin of error, which was plus or minus 6.6% for the 326 Republicans surveyed.

Fox News’ poll shows Marco Rubio in second place, with 13% support, and Ted Cruz in third with 11%. The margin of error is +/- 5.1 percent.

In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders of Vermont leads Hillary Clinton by 1 point, 45% to 44%. Among male voters, Clinton and Sanders are tied at 41%. He even suggested Trump was a fan of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who many Republican candidates characterize as a foe of the United States.

The normal rules of politics appear to apply to Carson, but not to Trump. And a Morning Consult poll released this week shows Trump at 38% and Carson at 19%.

Among Republican voters, 36 percent said they now have more confidence in Trump’s ability to be president while only 10 percent said they were less confident in his abilities after the Paris attacks. However, he also faces considerable opposition.

Jeb Bush and Ben Carson received 9% each.

Asked if they think “being Speaker will help Ryan represent the people in his district or will it require him to pay more attention to issues outside his district?”, 23 percent say it will help him represent the district while 63 percent think it will require his attention to issues outside the district.

As the 2016 presidential election comes closer and closer, Republicans are waking up to the realization that Donald Trump could very well be their nominee. Trump, 69, is a bombastic real estate and entertainment billionaire with a malleable political philosophy who has stirred a few racial animosities.

At a time of amplified global threats, Trump said Carson isn’t up to the task of being commander-in-chief.

“In presenting the contrast with Trump, we can also position Kasich as having courage and having the guts and the leadership to stand up to Donald Trump”, David said.

“When the NY Times says, from his top adviser and a couple of others, he’s essentially incapable of learning foreign policy, I mean that’s pretty sad”, Trump said at a rally Wednesday night.

Gov. Kasich is spending millions in the Granite State to pump himself up while taking others down.

She added she’s not impressed by Trump’s businessman approach.

Earlier this week, his campaign put out a map focusing on Syrian refugees, but totally botched it.


“He has plenty of support, but maybe the reason his polls are not as high is because younger people (are his supporters) and they don’t vote and people don’t realize that they make the difference”, Rosenfield said.

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