
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Tackle Security Issues

“But something has to happen”, he said.


The poll showed the two candidates tied at 47 percent in Florida, while Trump has a slim 46 percent to 45 percent lead over Clinton in Ohio.

The first debate between the one-time friends turned bitter rivals is scheduled for September 26.

In the Republican primaries, Trump’s opponents were repeatedly frustrated by his ability to dominate the news cycle with provocative comments and his failure to suffer any consequences for his words.

Putin “has very strong control over a country”, Trump said. The candidates also took questions from an audience of veterans and active-duty troops gathered on the decommissioned USS Intrepid, which is now a floating museum in NY.

“Donald Trump said last night he doesn’t particularly like the system”, Pence said in reference to Russian Federation.

By virtue of a coin flip, Clinton took the stage first and quickly found herself responding at length to questions about her years in government.

Donald Trump raised $90 million in August, the campaign said Thursday.

Both candidates are hoping to capitalize on concerns about national security and paint their opponents as unqualified leading into the November 8 presidential election. The issue has raised questions about whether she can be trusted to serve as president.

“Because I think we need a breath of fresh air in politics”, said Trina Clark, Trump supporter.

Seeking to strike a commanding tone, Clinton called for the United States to track down and kill IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as it did Osama bin Laden.

Trump has suggested that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had been a better leader than US President Barack Obama.

Speaking at a televised national security forum, Clinton also defended her support for USA military intervention in Libya, despite the chaos that has consumed that country since then.

On Wednesday, Pence admitted that he believed President Obama was born in the USA – a stark contrast to the years of refusals by the GOP nominee to do so, while last month the in governor “strongly” endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) in his reelection bid, just a day after Trump refused to do so. And the Wisconsin Republican says when you do that prematurely, you’re likely to lose anyway.

Putin himself has sporadically praised Trump, in December calling him “colorful” and “without doubt very talented”, prompting the Republican presidential nominee to up his own expressions of esteem for the Russian leader.

If Clinton had been “a generic Democrat, it might be different”, he said.

He was asked Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” what he would do as president about the Syrian city at the center of the refugee crisis, Johnson replied, “And what is Aleppo?” Last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released notes from the interview with Clinton revealing that she didn’t know that the letter “C”, when embedded somewhere in the email meant “confidential”. Johnson said no, he wasn’t kidding. After playing the clip of Trump asking where the IT guy went, Meyers explained that pleading the 5th doesn’t mean someone then dies. When he got to the refugee crisis, Johnson interrupted him, saying, “Okay, got it”. “It’s so great that when Trump is wrong he does us the favor of highlighting it by putting it in all caps”. Up until the final day, there were concerns that Trump might back out, one of the organizers said on condition of anonymity.

The Republican presidential nominee insisted during a presidential forum Wednesday night that he has a private blueprint for defeating the extremist group.

Trump, who has both said he has a secret plan to defeat ISIS and, if elected, that he would give generals 30 days to present him with a plan to beat ISIS, also offered little clarity as to which was the case. He has – Barack Obama has a true democracy here with the Congress that pushes back because there’s checks and balances.

“He’s been a leader far more than our president has been a leader”, Mr Trump said of the Russian president.


Trump has blasted Obama’s policy toward China as weak and said the president was humiliated by the Chinese during his visit to Asia this week. Or Donald Trump really did think he was picking up “body language” signals from professionals who are trained not to communicate such signals. Both candidates believe they have the upper hand.

APDonald Trump and Vladimir Putin