
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton to take part in Commander-in-Chief Forum

He also took shots at Donald Trump, the Republican candidate squaring off against his wife, Democrat Hillary Clinton.


At the exact same time, Trump was campaigning in Virginia – participating in a town-hall forum in which no one from the audience was allowed to ask questions – inadvertently proving Clinton right.

Donald Trump gestures to supporters at the campaign rally in Greenville, North Carolina.

Neither Clinton nor Trump has unveiled their schedules for Sunday.

Trump says “Clinton lied about her handling of confidential information”. “Look how bad her decisions have been”. And rather than work with our allies, he chooses to insult them. We are going to stand up to our adversaries, not cozy up to them.

“I think one thing you’ll see at the debates is him suggesting that he’ll be a careful commander-in-chief and that it’s Hillary more likely to get us into war”, he said.

Earlier this year it was reported that Trump’s charity entity violated tax laws by donating $25,000 to a campaign group called And Justice For All.

“People who have nothing to hide don’t smash phones with hammers”.

The security back-and-forth comes as the campaign enters its final two months and reminders of terror poised to return to the surface in advance of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on Sunday.

The CNN/ORC Poll was conducted by telephone September 1-4 among a random national sample of 1,001 adults.

Democratic running mates Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine have released their campaign book, which is named after the campaign’s slogan, “Stronger Together”.

The poll released Tuesday has Clinton leading Trump 46 to 45 percent.

Setting the stage on Labor Day for a critical month in their testy presidential campaign, Donald Trump softened his stance on immigration while Hillary Clinton blasted Russian Federation for its suspected tampering in the USA electoral process.

The race is tightening in part because Clinton’s weaknesses are in the spotlight, said expert Stephen Wayne.

“They know they can count on me to be the kind of commander in chief who will protect our country and our troops, and they know they cannot count on Donald Trump, ” Clinton said en route to Florida. A lot of voters will be asking themselves: Is she tough enough?

Considering the projected margins in the swing states, the mark of 274 electoral college votes is well within Trump’s grasp.

Labour Day is traditionally when the USA presidential election enters its final stretch.

“We will rebuild our military”, he said to an audience of several hundred at the Union League in Philadelphia. In fact, he has also said it is none of our business. They are more apt than others to favor building a wall along the entire border with Mexico (54 percent compared with 41 percent overall) and deporting all immigrants living in the United States illegally (43 percent vs. 30 percent overall).

A common risk for liars is they cannot remember all their lies. “He said we should, quote, ‘Get out of Iraq as quickly as possible'”. “That’s why you’re seeing a renewed interest by the candidates”. The emails, later revealed by WikiLeaks, showed some DNC officials favouring Clinton over her primary opponent, Bernie Sanders – who has since endorsed Clinton for president.

National security will be a focus all week.

The two November 8 election opponents are to make back-to-back appearances at the NBC Commander-in-Chief Forum in NY, airing on MSNBC at 8 p.m. Clinton will appear first, followed by Trump.

The video ends with Trump’s remarks to ABC News about what sacrifices he has made. And to military vets and their families, she pointed anew to his summertime dustup with the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier.

“I never even spoke to her about it at all”, the Republican candidate said.

Kaine also referenced his son’s service in the U.S. Marine Corps to make a personal appeal for a Clinton presidency.

“He says whatever he feels like at any given time because you can do that when you’re a TV star”.


“He has a weird fascination with strongmen and authoritarian leaders in countries that are no allies of the United States, and with respect to our allies, he would toss alliances aside, and says he wants to – quote – “take everything back from the world that we’ve given to them”, Kaine said. “As an example the single greatest asset I have, according to those that know me, is my temperament”. “This impulsive, unbridled NY real estate billionaire and reality-TV star wants to deport people who were born in the US and don’t meet his standard for loyalty”. As for national defense, the editorial calls Trump an isolationist who “put sound bites over sound policy”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton made her fourth stop in Tampa and first at USF Tuesday. ORACLE