
Donald Trump holds lead over 2016 GOP presidential field; Hillary

Donald Trump appears on stage at the CNN Republican Presidential Debate in Simi Valley, California on September 16, 2015.


The billionaire real-estate mogul and presidential candidate is doing well in polling and the party’s donors would like to hear from him at the $1,000-a-head Commonwealth Club luncheon December 11, Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Rob Gleason said.

Trump didn’t back away from a statement he made to the Associated Press suggesting Israel might have to “sacrifice” to achieve peace with the Palestinians, though he did soften his tone in front of the passionately pro-Israel audience.

The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding “one side in particular”. Still, even among Trump’s supporters, most say it wouldn’t be possible to deport all those living in the US illegally (55%).

“Very soon I’m going to Israel”, Trump said.

“They’ve all got to attack, and I love it when they attack because so far everyone who has attacked has gone bingo”, he added, pointing downward. “You have more levels of complexity – more candidates, more uncertainty about who’s really going to vote”.

How do I know that?

“We do not want to reengage the “war on women” fight so isolate Trump on this issue by offering a quick condemnation of it”.

But when he wavered in answering a question about whether he would consider Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel, boos broke out in the crowd.

Could Trump win the GOP nomination?

“I believe we’re losing the Hispanic vote because they think we don’t like them”, Graham said.

As in August, Trump is still a wild card. Asked if he believed critics who said antiabortion rhetoric resulted in the shooting, Carson equivocated and was later blasted by key members of his base. “Because so much death, so much turmoil, so much hatred – that would be to me a great achievement”.

On ISIS, 46 percent of those polled say Trump is best equipped to deal with the terror group.

Donald Trump continues to lead the GOP field with Sens. He said he planned to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a trip to Israel “sometime after Christmas, probably”.

“I think you have to look at attributes, what attributes people are looking for”, said McCarthy.

Trump sat down and shared his views on Israel in an AP Conversation – a series of extended interviews with the 2016 candidates to become the nation’s 45th president.

Good polls also can tell us what’s driving the voters – why, for example, so many Republicans are opting for unconventional “outsider” candidates this year. “And by the way, did you ever see a negotiation take so long?”


“I’m not sure he necessarily plays well with the establishment, but he seems to have a lot of grass-roots support”, Dumeyer said. “Understand the populist points Trump makes and ride that wave”. “Not the speech I thought I was going to give”.

The star of'The Apprentice said'I'm all in for Iowa