
Donald Trump: ‘I didn’t choke’ on Mexico wall deal

Among those likely to turn out in the fall, both candidates have secured about the same share of their own partisans (92% of Democrats back Clinton, 90% of Republicans are behind Trump) but independents give Trump an edge, 49% say they’d vote for him while just 29% of independent voters back Clinton. At a Labor Day festival here, she and Kaine were joined by the AFL-CIO’s president, Richard L. Trumka; Lee Saunders, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; and Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the first unions to endorse Clinton.


CLINTON: She would continue Obama’s policy of deporting violent criminals and others who break the law after entering the United States. Trump says he’ll extend a huge wall across the vast majority of the 2,100-mile border, which would be a major construction feat costing billions of dollars. On Monday she took questions on an array of topics for more than 20 minutes.

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, at a union picnic here on Monday, accused rival Donald Trump of having his products made overseas, stiffing contractors and being antagonistic toward unions.

“I think we’ve had a great month”, Trump said.

Suffering one of her worst coughing bouts of the race, she paused to sip water, her voice reduced to a crackling whisper at times.

The possibility of Russian involvement in cyber intrusions that were revealed in July “raises some grave questions about potential Russian interference with our electoral process”, Clinton told reporters on her campaign plane as she flew to a rally in IL.

Going into the crucial final stretch of the campaign, Clinton will also tap her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, who will stump for her in Pennsylvania this week.

Under extensive criticism from her rival and journalists for not holding a full press conference in nine months, she answered questions for more than 22 minutes on several topics, including tensions with Russian Federation over accusations of cyber-espionage.

“We are going to have to take those threats and attacks seriously”, Clinton told reporters.

Still, there is much for him to gain in the three scheduled televised showdowns and he will get an unfiltered chance to raise Clinton’s political vulnerabilities before the American people. “I think it’s quite intriguing that this activity has happened around the time Trump became the nominee”.

While Trump publicly maintains support from numerous high-ranking GOP officials, a striking number of discussions among Republicans in Washington often begin with an assumption that Clinton will be president come January.

During the press event, Trump also accused the NAFTA bill, spearheaded by George HW Bush but signed in by Bill Clinton, of destroying ‘the manufacturing and jobs in this country, ‘ and complained about Hillary Clinton’s support of the TPP.

In an interview with ABC Monday, Clinton said that she would not visit Mexico prior to election day, saying she would rather focus on the US. During a disastrous closed-door meeting, Nieto told Trump that Mexico would not pay for the real estate mogul’s border wall.

Not to be outdone by Clinton’s outreach to the media, Trump invited reporters onto his personal plane, where he sought to clarify his views on immigration.

Though she leads Trump in an average of polls by some four percentage points, Clinton was on the back foot again this weekend after the latest in a series of damaging revelations over her use of private email while serving as secretary of state. But this is an annual report required of all candidates running for president.

Trump told reporters that he does plan to take part in all three presidential debates, joking that only a “hurricane” or “natural disaster” would prevent him from attending.

But Clinton has spent most of the summer away from the campaign trail, focusing on fund-raising in places like the Hamptons and Beverly Hills.

Immigrants in the country illegally may not need to return to their countries or origin to obtain legal status, Trump said – a position many conservatives would consider “amnesty”.

“If Trump loses OH he loses the race”, Brown told Agence France-Presse.


Talking about his recent effort to appeal to African-American voters, Trump was asked if it was hard to attract black voters since he has raised doubts about whether Democratic President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Clinton and Trump courting Ohio voters on Labor Day