
Donald Trump: If Ted Cruz Endorses Me, I Won’t Accept It

After Ted Cruz had finished his drop-the-mic Republican National Convention speech and been booed off the stage, historian Michael Beschloss posted the following tweet: “Never seen anything quite like this”. “With that being said, I would very much like for him to endorse Donald Trump”.


The move solidifies awful Cruz as the only Republican candidate with a backbone. “To me, that’s more important in a sense.these other people give you $50, but they vote by the millions”.

That “talk” was perhaps the most dramatic moment of the GOP’s four-day convention.

There were those, such as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who reluctantly offered unconvincing endorsements to avert a civil war.

And Pence, usually soft-spoken, drew an amped-up cheer from the crowd when he declared, “And if the world knows nothing else, it will know this: America stands with Israel”.

While the newly minted nominee said the GOP is behind him, his convention featured a noisy floor protest Monday by anti-Trump delegates over convention voting rules.

Trump then made a surprise appearance in his private box, glaring at the stage as Cruz departed.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”, he said.

He also suggested that if Cruz were to seek the White House, he would set up a super PAC to oppose him.

But he also took issue with the substance of what Christie was saying, offering video evidence of Donald Trump praising Vladimir Putin – in September, no less – and of the then real-estate-mogul calling for Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster in February of 2011, after Christie bashed Clinton for being the “chief engineer” behind Gaddafi being overthrown, saying she did it to “strengthen Russian Federation”.

The source said that Trump would be willing to invest tens of millions more if necessary to ensure his former competitors didn’t win another race.

“I think it’s hard to speak for Senator Cruz”. Many delegates, including loud exhortations from the NY delegation, began chanting, “Endorse Trump!”

During the primary campaign, Trump sent out Twitter messages threatening to “spill the beans” about Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and Trump implied that Cruz’s father had been photographed with Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin who killed President John F. Kennedy. The mistake made by Ted Cruz, and especially, Donald Trump, is not. “It looked like him”. If 2016 ends up being a disaster for his party-and it’s a good bet it will-Cruz will be the only major Republican to emerge from the Trump fiasco with his principles largely intact. Delegates chanted Trump’s name and implored Cruz to voice his support for the businessman, to no avail.

But neither Pence’s speech nor Trump’s own controversial remarks about North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, released by The New York Times after the convention ended, could displace the headlines about the Trump-Cruz feud.

Several Georgia Republicans attending the rally said the continued discord hurts the party, but few pointed fingers at Cruz.


“Ted Cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the Constitution”, he said. One can never quite get over the sense with Cruz that everything is calculated.

Ted Cruz delivers his convention speech without endorsing Donald Trump