
Donald Trump inches ahead in North Carolina

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton criticized her White House rival this morning, telling reporters that Republican nominee Donald Trump has “failed yet again” to show that he is capable of being commander in chief.


In the interview, Clinton referenced recent research by Matt Olsen, the former director of the National Counter terrorism Center, saying that Olsen “quoted ISIS spokespeople rooting for Trump’s victory”.

Trump has not outlined his ISIS plan, she claimed, because “the truth is, he doesn’t have one”. “NBC News’ senior political editor caught Trump lying as it happened, and, as Trump himself noted, Clinton flagged the fact that Trump was going to lie about this for Lauer”.

The fallout from Lauer’s abysmal performance at NBC forum has not gone unnoticed. Forty-five percent hold a favorable view of the president.

But here’s something I think many people don’t realize or haven’t focused on. He even suggested the USA should have simply “taken Iraq’s oil”, after Saddam Hussein was overthrown – another impossible task.

But, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump basically did the opposite, when he defended a ridiculous tweet about sexual assault in the military. To cap it all off, he even praised Putin for being so popular.

“This is yet more evidence that Clinton is unfit to be your Commander-In-Chief”.

And while Trump is still leading overwhelmingly among military members, that support appears to be slipping. That four-point margin is maintained in a head-to-head matchup and when including other presidential candidates in Libertarian Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein. However, Clinton’s strategy seems to be to let Trump get the free media he wants while she sits back – a “rope-a-dope” strategy, as NPR’s Ron Elving put it recently.

An enthusiastic base of small donors continued to buoy Donald Trump’s campaign in August, helping him collect $90 million in conjunction with the Republican National Committee, his biggest monthly take yet, officials said Thursday. Gen. Donna Barbisch, who warned a Trump presidency could endanger troops. He said Clinton exposed “classified information to actors on her unsecured, I would say home brew, email server” and that it has “weakened the decision making” in Iraq, Syria and Libya and “turned those countries into a breeding ground for radical Islamic terror”.

Trump proved beyond a doubt during the forum that he is not ready to lead the military.


CNBC panelist Becky Quick learned the pitfalls in a GOP forum last fall when Trump pushed back against her question about something the candidate had said previously.

AP Fact