
Donald Trump Is Making Ted Cruz Look Like a Uniter

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are leading among Iowans likely to participate in the Republican Caucus, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday.


Trump won 28% of the support and Cruz won 27% from likely Republican caucusgoers, according to the poll. The latest poll could be just the latest sign that the foundation and hard work of the Cruz campaign in Iowa is finally paying off. While Cruz has previously been the Republican presidential candidate most reluctant to criticize – and most ready to praise – Trump, the two have been on the outs since audio surfaced Friday from a Cruz fundraiser where he raised doubts about Trump’s “judgment”. In other polls in recent days, Cruz’s Iowa lead over the billionaire businessman is larger -
including a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll released Saturday that gave Cruz a 10-point edge.

“He’s going to have to finesse it in a way that he’s not insulting, but rather genuine”, Mueller said about any Cruz attacks on Trump.

That represents a 12-point gain for Cruz since the end of October, when the same pollster last tested the race.

Westmacott joined David Cameron, who earlier called the proposal to ban Muslims “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong”, and the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, who said “the only reason I wouldn’t go to certain parts of NY is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump”.

“I would say I have far better judgment than Ted”, Trump said in an interview on CNN’sState of the Union, citing as examples his business success and opposition to the war in Iraq.

Each of these statements has sparked a furious reaction from Trump, who suggested top British officials were “trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem”.

It’s only the latest Twitter shot between Trump and Cruz.

“Look, I expect to get it on because I’m leading by a lot”.


“I do like Ted Cruz”, Trump told the crowd, “but not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba, in all fairness”.

Donald Trump remains on top of polls ahead of Ted Cruz