
Donald Trump is not a fan of pump hairspray

He said Washington is “completely broken” and “more than half the things that happen in Washington are just for show or for talk”. He spent a solid ten minutes talking about his polling numbers, and then at one point he said “Uch, I’m gonna do so good”.


Meadowlark Lemon Passes Away at 83
His daughter, Donna Maria Lemon confirmed that her father passed away in his sleep at his home in Scottsdale, Arizona . Lemon was inducted into the NBA Basketball Hall of Fame Class in 2003, and earned an NBA Lifetime Achievement Awards.

But by waiting this long, Trump has not only conserved his own personal resources-which are funding his campaign-he has also ensured that he will be getting maximum bang for his minimal buck.

Good luck in the 2016 Cotton Bowl, Bama Hammer
Cook keyed the winning drive against Iowa, converting a fourth-and-2 from the Hawkeyes’ five-yard-line with an option run. Alabama has the best front seven in college football, and the Spartans will have trouble scoring many points in the game.

Six months after Trump first entered the presidential race, pundits and the dozen other GOP presidential candidates have been waiting for the billionaire front-runner’s winning streak to end, pointing to each barb he throws as the final straw. “He wants to bring your taxes up to 90 percent”, Trump said and the crowd started booing. It’s time we have a strong president in office again; one who can lead us back to the right direction because, honestly, as a country we’ve veered far off course.

Belgium: 10th suspect arrested in Paris attacks probe
Switching on the Philips New Years Eve Ball, a run up to the New Year’s Eve 2016 celebrations in Times Square on December 30. On Wednesday, an official close to the investigation said both men belong to the same motorcycle club, the Kamikaze Riders.

If Trump were to leave the race, 24 percent of Trump supporters said they would vote for Cruz, compared with 15 percent for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and 11 percent for Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

Donald Trump will be the next president. There are many urgent issues on the list, including keeping Americans safe from ISIS threats; building a wall across the Mexican border to keep illegal immigrants from crossing into America; a plan to shrink the national deficit instead of increasing it; a leader who knows how to create both jobs and money, and knows how to handle income.

This time around, Trump’s spokeswoman Hope Hicks seemed to be caught off guard. It is a catastrophe that many of my friends in the Republican Party perhaps, have laryngitis, and will allow Donald Trump to destroy the party. Only very small offers will be accepted.

In November, Trump’s campaign announced that it would start running radio ads, but the real-estate mogul has yet to launch much pricier television commercials.

Of the more than 200 names, a handful of people have come forward saying they were miffed to see their names on the list. “So I’m going to be doing big ads in Iowa, New Hampshire, SC and they will be very substantial and I think they’re very well done”.

“Under the scenario I am laying out, I do not think that he will win”, he told The Daily Beast.

Trump said he expects to unveil very substantial ads in Iowa, New Hampshire and SC ahead of primary elections.

“History will remember 2015 as the year when the Republican Party as we knew it was destroyed by Donald Trump”. Donald Trump’s patriotic message resonates with Republicans, Dems and Independents alike in South Dakota.

Trump’s swipe is also a hit on another GOP presidential candidate.


As the early voting in the 2016 Republican presidential primary nears, a lot of attention is focused on the so-called establishment candidates, who are now tearing each other apart on the stump and on the airwaves in an effort to consolidate voters comfortable with a traditional Republican approach to governance under a single banner. It’s a financial development he credited to not needing campaign ads up to this point.

Santorum Could Trample Trump