
Donald Trump: John McCain “has to be very careful”

Trump said. “And [Marco Rubio] referred to my hands, ‘If they’re small, something else must be small.’ I guarantee you there’s no problem”.


Ryan, a budget wonk who was the Republican vice presidential candidate in 2012, is seen by many in the party as a unifier after he took the speaker’s job previous year to heal a crippling power struggle between establishment Republican lawmakers and conservative upstarts in the House. After winning only one race, the Super Tuesday caucus in Minnesota, the billionaire real estate mogul said Rubio “has to get out of the race, has to”.

“If there’s anyone who deserved to be attacked it’s Donald Trump”. Policy has taken a back seat to insults and fights over temperament and tactics, but look for Fox’s Megyn Kelly to ask the Republicans how they would respond to the water crisis in Flint, which Hillary Clinton has made a centerpiece of her campaign lately.

In another exchange, Rubio faulted Trump’s businesses for manufacturing clothing in China and Mexico rather than the U.S. Asked when he would start making more clothes in the U.S., Trump said that would happen when currency valuations weren’t biased against manufacturing garments in America.

Mr Cruz also suggested it was time for other hopefuls – like Marco Rubio and John Kasich – to step aside.

“Obviously, he wants to be relevant”, Trump said dismissively.

Even in Rubio’s home state of Florida, he is polling far behind Trump. “I want to show off, you know what a good athlete I am”.

Trump on the torture debate and what he’d do: “Can you imagine these people, these animals over in the Middle East that chop off heads, sitting around talking and seeing that we’re having a hard problem with waterboarding?”

“This is probably the strongest signal to date, at least in terms of someone that has come out and really opposed the nomination of Donald Trump”, said King.

A Republican candidate must get 1,237 delegates to be the nominee.

The strategizing over a contested convention has been layered with angst-filled discussions among some conservative leaders about whether they could rally around a third-party candidate if Trump does become the nominee.

When informed the Kentucky race hadn’t been called, Trump left behind closed doors, but time would prove him right.

Trump, with 10 state victories, leads the field with 329 delegates. That state’s primary will be held on March 15. And you know what they say about men with small hands. “Have you ever heard of Trump Vodka?”


Similar policy wins were obtained by Trump over his GOP rivals on immigration (52% vs. 25% for Rubio and 18% for Cruz), national security (46% vs. 24% for Rubio and 22% for Cruz), and health care (44%, vs. 23% for Rubio and 22% for Cruz). Rubio and Cruz were tied at just 16% each. He badly needs Florida’s 99 delegates to remain a credible contender for the GOP nomination for president.

Trump nev victory