
Donald Trump Jr. Attempts to Call Out Obama Over Plagiarism, Fails Miserably

“America is once again at a moment of reckoning”. “And we’ll put that money to work where it belongs – creating jobs here at home!” she warned.


Throughout the speech, she took aim at her Republican rival, Donald Trump, casting him as capitalizing on fear to divide the country and saying he lacked the temperament to be president.

In his emotional speech Wednesday, President Obama promised that “we’re going to carry Hillary to victory”.

“We will not build a wall”.

Clinton’s conclusion of her address was the third-most tweeted moment. We’ll bring you live updates as the event unfolds. “From my first day in office to my last!” So let me tell you. “Unless you want to be lied to, belittled and attacked for your beliefs, don’t watch Hillary’s DNC speech tonight”, Trump’s campaign said in a fundraising email.

She also stressed the importance of her Methodist faith, as well as her early work going door-to-door on behalf of children with disabilities in MA.

“People ask me all the time, ‘How does she do it?” She also mentioned her father and brother who played football at Penn State.

In keeping with the “stronger together” theme of the night, Clinton urged Americans to “join us”, regardless of political party, if they believe in values like equal pay for all, affordable health care, and expanding social security. She talked about her drive to change the circumstances for people in this country, whether it is a family that is seeking a better life for their children, or a child with a disability hoping to receive the same education as other children.

“I certainly know that with her as our commander-in-chief, our foreign relations will not be reduced to a business transaction, I also know that our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture”, said Allen.

Clinton called Thursday night a milestone for America in its quest for a more ideal union. Happy for boys and men, too – because when any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone. Her radical amnesty plan will take jobs, resources and benefits from the most vulnerable citizens of the United States and give them to the citizens of other countries.

Her campaign has identified them as the “Donald Trump Park Avenue Collection” – four inches by six inches (about 10 cm X 15 cm) picture frames.

Clinton clearly sought to woo independents and moderate conservatives who have been turned off by Trump. That’s why it’s critical for her to pull in as many allies as possible, she said, and Thursday night’s speech was a critical part of that effort.


“Donald Trump says, and this is a quote, “I know more about ISIS than the generals do”. “Yes, those were Donald Trump’s words in Cleveland”, she added.

Hillary Clinton Blows Trump Out Of The Water With A Home Run Acceptance Speech