
Donald Trump Leads in 2016 Republican Field

“I talk to voters all the time in this state and around the country who said, ‘We want to send a message to Republican leaders in Washington that when you make promises on the campaign trail, we wanna see it.’ Whether it’s repealing Obamacare or standing up against illegal immigration”.


Trump said all undocumented immigrants in the country should be deported, while the “good ones” can be allowed to return to the United States after going through an expedited legal procedure.

Donald Trump on Tuesday slammed the “birthright citizenship” in the United States, saying undocumented immigrants born in the United States are not real American citizens.

“I really don’t know how the email saga will affect her. Probably I think the Democratic Party might think about bringing in Joe Biden to help them increase their chances”, he said.

Santorum also said his plan would require E-Verify by employers, roll back President Barack Obama’s executive actions not to deport many illegal immigrants, eliminate the visa lottery and chain migration. “I welcome Donald Trump articulating this this view”. “I went…to ask him his ideas – how we could make the border something other than a locale for a nine-foot fence”.

In the first republican primary debate earlier this month, Donald Trump notoriously announced to Fox moderator Chris Wallace that, “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be talking about illegal immigration”.

According to a 2009 report by the Pew Hispanic Center, 3.8 million unauthorized immigrants have at least one child who is a U.S. citizen. “And now all of a sudden we’re supposed to pay the baby… medical, Social Security”, Trump said. Nine percent said they were undecided. “There is certainly every indication that Mexico is doing next to nothing, in fact some argue they are working to facilitate people coming into this country and doing so illegally”.

The two Republican presidential candidates’ campaigns discussed holding an event together in Washington, D.C., and Trump invited Cruz on his trip to the border, a Trump insider told the website.

“Just as we saw with gender, party affiliation, and age, there are big differences in the path Republicans can take to try to win Michigan”.


However, a legal analyst for generally left-leaning CNN concedes that the longstanding assumption about anchor babies and their birthright is not so clear-cut – the constitutional questions surrounding the practice of conferring automatic citizenship are layered and complex.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves to supporters during a campaign rally in Mobile Ala