
Donald Trump meets with Latinos in Vegas

“I agree with the 50 foreign policy experts, people like two homeland security secretaries, two deputy secretaries of defense, who say that Donald Trump does not have the character, the values or the experience to be president of the United States”, Glassman said. Joni Ernst’s influential “Roast and Ride” rally in Des Moines.


He again pointed out that Clinton in the mid-1990s said some black youths were “super predators” and returned to his argument in recent weeks that the Democratic nominee’s policies and those of fellow Democrats who for decades have run many USA cities have failed their minority residents, particularly African-Americans. He warned them that if his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, wins in November, the US would have open borders.

“It’s going to be the approach that Donald Trump takes or the approach that Hillary Clinton takes, not some other approach”.

Instead of deporting all 11 million people living illegally in the USA as he had suggested before, he said only criminals would go.

Branstad, in an interview with The Associated Press prior to the speech, said he felt that Trump could score points against Clinton by focusing on agricultural issues.

Trump has suggested that minorities have been left behind by Democratic economic policies and hammered the nation’s sluggish GDP growth as “a catastrophe”.

The Indiana governor said the main tenets of Trump’s immigration plan will include building a wall along the southern US border and making Mexico pay for it, no path to legalization or citizenship for people here illegally and stronger border enforcement.

The announcement came a day after Trump said he would crack down on illegal immigrants who overstay their visas, as he sought to clarify his views on how to overhaul the US immigration system. “But now he’s reflecting on it and his position is going to be known”, Priebus said. But who Trump considers a criminal remained unclear Sunday.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump leads a Hispanic leaders and small business owners round table in Las Vegas on Friday.

Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally on August 18 at the Charlotte Convention Center in North Carolina.

-The event was promoted as a major policy speech on immigration in a 500-person room at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Phoenix.

He was referring to the shooting death on Friday of Nykea Aldridge during an exchange of gunfire between two men as she pushed a baby stroller in Chicago. “But he is talking about being fair and humane, but also being fair to the American workers competing for jobs”.

N.J. Gov. and Donald Trump surrogate Chris Christie speaks with ABC’s “This Week” host Martha Raddatz about Donald Trump’s outreach to minority voters, especially inner city blacks.

The new investment comes amid signs that Trump’s lagging poll numbers may be improving against Clinton’s following a campaign reboot. She has contrasted Trump with former Republican presidential candidates John McCain and Bob Dole, and former President George W. Bush, praising their decisive steps to counter racism and anti-Muslim sentiment.

“There is no path to legalization unless they leave the country and then come back”, he said in an attempt to reassure his voters, adding that “When they come back in, then they can start paying taxes”.


Trump on Saturday also mentioned the fatal shooting Friday of 32-year-old Nykea Aldridge, the cousin of National Basketball Association star Dwayne Wade and a mother of four. But I have to say, they’re actually not all that dissimilar to the margins Mitt Romney got in the 2012 presidential election. She continued, “Every day, more Americans are standing up and saying “enough is enough” – including a lot of Republicans”.

Rep. Steve King