
Donald Trump meets with Megyn Kelly at Trump Tower

Trump has feuded with many, many people (even the Pope) over the course of his campaign, but few proved as controversial as his spat with Kelly. “Kelly requested a meeting with Mr. Trump, which took place at Trump Tower this morning”, a Fox News spokesperson said in a prepared statement.


Republican presidential front-runner Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump team to meet with lawmakers Report: Megyn Kelly meets privately with Trump Clinton assails Cruz and Trump for “bigotry” MORE and Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly reportedly met Wednesday at Trump Tower in NY after months of feuding.

Fox News chairman Roger Ailes, who has tried to keep peace between the pair, was not present at the meeting, according to CNN.

Trump has not appeared on the program for an interview, but as recently as April 1, Kelly told CBS she’d “absolutely” welcome Trump onto her show.

Kelly reached out to Trump’s office to set up the meeting, one of the sources said.

Kelly reportedly fired back, referring to Trump as “Voldemort”, the creepy villain from the “Harry Potter” books.

Kelly is known to be seeking high-profile guests for a Barbara Walters-style prime time special on the Fox broadcast network in May. She totally misrepresents my words and positions!Among the highlights, Heidi Cruz insists that Trump’s re-tweet of that unflattering photo of her juxtaposed with a photo of Trump’s ex-model wife Melania “didn’t impact me in the least”. “I don’t know what God has in store for me or my family in the future, but I do know that right now I feel very fulfilled”, she said. I’ve reflected in that time of my life where I was trying to find my role and the next chapter.


So is Trump still angry with Kelly? She also brushed off unsubstantiated claims her husband has been unfaithful, noting “it’s garbage” and blaming Trump. He has criticized her viciously at times.

Megyn Kelly met with Donald Trump at his private residence inside Trump Tower on Wednesday morning