“We’re gonna settle this”, he said, pointing to a woman in the audience at the Upstate Chamber Coalition in Greenville, South Carolina.
His proposal to end citizenship for children born in the U.S.to immigrants without legal status has forced more-moderate Republican presidential candidates to the right, with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and others using the controversial phrase “anchor babies”.
This translates to, “the man with the toupee”.
It’s not every day you get to meet a presidential candidate, let alone get invited up on stage to touch their hair. “And they’ve been really nice”, Trump said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe“, referring to officials with the Republican National Committee.
He called it a “collaborative effort” with some close friends to come up with the message after learning that Trump was scheduled to speak this weekend in downtown Nashville. Trump also announced that he would be holding a joint event with one of his rivals for the GOP nomination, Sen. “I want to solve problems so we can fix this and turn immigration into what it’s always been – an economic driver for our country“.
She said: “It was a very freaky experience”.
Two hours later, in the state capital of Columbia, Rubio tried to fire up a curious crowd of students, which the campaign said numbered 900, practicing politics according to the traditional playbook.
Mort Klein, the ZOA president, said the rally has been in the works for weeks, though Trump’s inclusion is a relatively new development. Such targets have included Wisconsin governor Scott Walker – whose much-trumpeted record on budgetary matters and jobs Trump has ridiculed – and Bush. We can have fun all the same.
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson are leading Iowa in some polls after the Fox News debate. “I’m out”, Beck said on his program back in March 2015.
What do you think about Wendy Williams telling Heidi Klum that she is better off just taking Donald Trump’s abuse?
At the press conference, Trump said he will focus on improving employment rates for African-Americans.
Other times, however, Trump sounds like a believer in the kinds of government programs fellow Republicans want to block-grant, voucherize and means-test.
Noyes says the major networks’ coverage of Trump exceeded even that of Hillary Clinton.
She then turned to her husband of 18 years and said she hoped he had gotten a picture of the exchange.