
Donald Trump mocks Hillary Clinton over ‘disgusting’ toilet break

The big difference between the Trump appearance and the Obama stump speech, aside from the political flavor of campaign rhetoric, was the number of protestors both outside and inside the arena. “I don’t know who would be worse, I don’t know”.


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Wolf has claimed he’s lined up the Republican and Democratic votes to pass his tax plan in the House and send it to the Senate. The pension debate and debate over liquor sales are “sidetracking” state budget approval, said state Rep.

At an event in Grand Rapids, Mich., Trump told supporters that Hillary Clinton got “schlonged” in the 2008 race. But when Meet the Press host Chuck Todd pressed Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta about the claim on Sunday, Podesta pointed to a little-noticed report from NBC News.

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The local branch of the Florida NAACP held an emergency meeting on Tuesday afternoon in response to Dawson’s death. Dawson disagreed and insisted she needed more help and her oxygen tank, which they were attempting to take away.

A war of words between Republican and Democratic presidential frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has intensified over her charge that he has become a recruiting tool for ISIS.

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US stocks posted moderate gains, recovering a small portion of the big losses recorded late last week. The S&P 500 ended 0.8% higher, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average leapt about 123 points.

He also attacked her for going to the washroom during the Democratic debate calling it “disgusting”. It’s disgusting. I don’t want to talk about it. No, it’s too disgusting.

Mr Trump’s blunt and sometime outrageous style and comments about Hispanics, women, Muslims and his rivals for the nomination have set much of the tone for the Republican race.

They also came as Clinton stood by her claim that ISIS operatives are using Trump in recruitment videos.

The Quinnipiac survey asked, “Would you feel proud to have Donald Trump as President, embarrassed to have Donald Trump as President, or wouldn’t you feel either of these ways?” In the past, especially with Benghazi, we gave our Secretary State a pass when we found out that she was just incompetent (or so she says) and just swept it under the rug. Shortly after Obama’s 2008 election, his speechwriter Jon Favreau was criticized for a photo of him groping a Clinton cardboard cutout, for example.

“That’s like a good thing, not a bad thing, ” he insisted. “It would be so great if we could get the Russians on our side and other countries on our side and knock the hell out of ISIS (Islamic State)”.

And he made clear that he is opposed to the killing of journalists, after appearing to brush off concerns about Putin’s record on a Sunday morning news show. I wrote a few weeks ago about Donald Trump’s bottomless bottom. “By the way, I hate some of these people… and some of them are such lying, disgusting people, it’s true”.

Christie repeatedly said he would not comment, but when asked a third time why he didn’t have any thoughts on the issue, Christie explained, “I didn’t say I had no thoughts, I said I had no interest”.


“I would never kill them”.

Donald Trump Calls Clinton’s Bathroom Break ‘Disgusting