
Donald Trump mocks himself in ‘Saturday Night Live’ promo

Rubio leads Clinton 46% to 41%, but the former secretary of State leads Trump with 46% to 43%, Cruz also with 46% to 43% and Christie with 46% to 41%.


“This election is not a choice simply between Republicans and Democrats”, Rubio said at a town hall at a college in Nashua, N.H., Wednesday night.

Two Republican candidates who previously appeared in the undercard debates – South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and former New York Governor George Pataki – joined former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore in failing to qualify for either of next week’s debates because of low polling numbers.

Rubio also addressed charges that he had pulled money out of his retirement account to pay living expenses, which he says is inaccurate.

Releasing its latest polls, Fox News said that the brash billionaire got 26 per cent of the votes against 23 for Carson.

Fans mobbed Trump as he left the New Hampshire State House, where he ploughed into full campaign mode, meeting and greeting his supporters, and signing autographs. What kinds of sketches would you like to see him in?

Rubio downplays the controversy.

Rubio spoke in an appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America, after The Tampa Bay Times reported that he mingled personal expenses with his official uses of the card. Sixty-year-old Gail Miserandino was at the Nashua town hall.

“I will do anything, I will move mountains and hills and rivers to make that man president”, she said. I liked a lot of his ideas. We should all be reminded once again of what Rich Bond, President George H.W. Bush’s 1980 Iowa campaign coordinator, said: “To win Iowa you need to organize, organize, organize and then get hot at the end”.

Republican US presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson looks back as business Donald Trump (not pictured) takes the stage as he stands with former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, U.S. Sen. But she too remains undecided.

“Cruz is, you know, sometimes in and sometimes out”, she said.


Trump’s team announced Wednesday that its first two radio ads will run through the end of November in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Ted Cruz Has A Birther Problem