
Donald Trump Muslim Controversy Disqualifies Him

Prime Minister David Cameron, another Conservative, also criticized Trump’s statements about Muslims – breaking the custom of British leaders not commenting on USA presidential contenders.


Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, a member of the Homeland Security Committee, speaks with the Republican leadership, from left, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., at a news conference following a closed-door GOP caucus meeting at the Republican National Headquarters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is once again testing the notion that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. He’s unhinged, hateful, etc. And the responses all amounted to ‘we must let muslims [sic] enter our country, ‘ which sounds a whole lot like ‘we must allow all Mexicans in our country, ‘ which everyone knows is blatantly untrue on both counts. “But it’s a tragedy when we have people who purportedly want to lead our country fanning the flames of hatred, fanning the flames of bigotry and isolationism”. “You may very well find his proposal unserious, but there are a few million Americans who do not”.

Outside of the United States, the topic “Donald Trump” and “Muslims” were searched the most in Kenya, Panama and Puerto Rico, according to Google Trends. “I think right now, in the state that this country is in, it’s just not a good time to bring in any outsiders and whether they be of that nationality or not, it’s just not the time”, said McCrory. Despite the backlash, Trump continues to draw large crowds to his events.

One of Donald’s opponents, Abedin’s boss Hillary Clinton, also took to Instagram to slam him, saying, “Tell Donald Trump: Hate is not an American value”. For that, we should look to the two leading, non-Trump candidates in the race: Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s calls on Tuesday for Congress to strengthen the nation’s domestic surveillance program was little more than a coverage afterthought amid the wave of Trump stories. Coast resident Brandi McCrory said, “I totally agree with him”.

But Trump has suggested in recent weeks that that pledge was conditional on the Republican Party’s loyalty toward him – which would mean not attacking Trump.

The bombastic 69-year-old billionaire real estate mogul was unrepentant Tuesday, even as criticism rained down from the White House and as far afield as Ottawa, London and Cairo, where Egypt’s official religious body Dar al-Iftaa denounced his “extremist and racist” comments.

“I have people that I have tremendous relationships with, they’re Muslim”, he said.


When Emily VanCamp was asked about his plan, she told “Extra’s” Charissa Thompson, “I think that’s just… that’s ridiculous. I’m concerned about standing up for our country’s principles…it’s incumbent upon leaders of our party like myself to stand up and defend what conservatism is and what the Republican Party stands for”. “What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for”. In support of his proposal, Trump referenced several presidential proclamations from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which authorized the internment of Japanese, Italian and German Americans during the second world war. “Their language may be more veiled than Trump’s but their ideas are not so different”.

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