
Donald Trump narrowly leads Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Hillary Clinton has opened up commanding leads over Donald Trump in several critical battleground states, including North Carolina and Colorado, according to a new poll Friday.


In Iowa, Clinton leads Trump 41-37 in a head-to-head matchup – she was ahead by 3 before the conventions.

The Democratic Party nominee is also edging out her Republican counterpart in Pennsylvania, by even larger numbers. She holds a 9-point lead in North Carolina, 48 percent to 39 percent, and a smaller 5-point edge in Florida, 44 percent to 39 percent. That’s increased from 27 points in July and 14 in June.

Each precinct is allowed one poll watcher from each party with ballot access (in IN, that’s the Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians), and those watchers must be a registered voter of the county the precinct is in. The poll showed a 46-32 win for Clinton.

Poll director Charles Franklin said the race is now looking more like the 2008 election, in which Barack Obama won Wisconsin by 14 points, than the 2004 election, in which John Kerry won Wisconsin by a narrow margin but lost the general election. Johnson earned 15 percent and Stein earned six.

For her campaign, that means focusing on women, Latinos and voters in the suburbs surrounding Iowa’s major cities, aides and Democratic observers said.

Slightly more than 9 percent of the state’s voters remain undecided while another 9 percent are shown to be casting ballots for third party candidates.

All of these figures are another way of saying that Clinton has a substantial lead in the presidential race across the country. Pennsylvania is trending at about a nine-point lead for Clinton, besting her national average.

She has the lead in polls of key swing states such as OH and Pennsylvania and appears to have a chance to expand the map with victories in traditionally red states like Georgia, he asserted. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.6 percentage points.

The poll found Ryan’s popularity in Wisconsin has continued to rise, with 50 percent having a favorable opinion of the Janesville native compared with 34 percent who have an unfavorable view.


Psephologists have shown that asking people who they think will win an election yields more accurate results than asking each individual for whom they plan to vote. The poll found 38 percent approve of his job performance while 59 percent disapprove.

Clinton gains ground in key states Trump slips in popularity