
Donald Trump not qualified to be US president, insists Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton on Thursday blasted her likely general election rival Donald Trump as a “threat” to U.S. democracy and declared him unqualified to be commander in chief.


“How do you compare that against Clinton, OK, what Clinton’s done?”

Donald Trump digs up an old allegation to sling dirt at Hillary Clinton. “We’re always stronger united”, she declared on Twitter.

“She’s got one of the great women abusers of all time sitting in her house, waiting for her to come home for dinner”, he said back in January.

Trump responded Thursday on his website, saying Clinton “has bad judgement and is unfit to serve as President at this delicate and hard time in our country’s history”.

The results show 46.76% for Clinton and 46.33% for Bernie Sanders.

Trump stepped up efforts to rally Republican loyalists behind his campaign after winning a divisive primary fight that left the party ruptured.

“I am not afraid of Donald Trump”, she wrote. “There is no way I won’t be”.

As the presumptive GOP nominee faces heat for keeping his tax returns private, the survey showed that six in 10 voters believe that any candidate running for president should make the records available to the public.

On the Republican side, Trump promoted top aide Paul Manafort to serve as campaign manager and chief strategist, the Trump campaign said.

Sanders – under pressure to drop out and endorse Clinton – says he’s in it till the convention. She pledges to break down barriers to progress, build on President Barack Obama’s priorities and implement lessons learned from her husband’s economic stewardship in the 1990s. “That’s what brings us together”.

“I think people can judge his campaign for what it is”, Hillary Clinton said. “I’m going to let him run his campaign however he chooses”, she told reporters recently. “That is already done”, she said. “No, I know that that’s exactly what he’s fishing for”.

The interview took place in Park Ridge, Illinois, the Chicago suburb where Clinton spent her childhood. Volumes have been filled with her corruption, self-dealing and incompetence.


After much talk we can confirm former President Bill Clinton is coming to the valley and local democrats are thrilled.

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