
Donald Trump Now Says He Respects and Loves Mexico

With Trump hovering near the top of the field of 16 candidates seeking the party’s presidential nomination, an independent run would split Republican voters and could give leading Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton an edge in the November 2016 election.


Both the RGV and Laredo Sectors are worse off than most of the other sectors on the U.S.-Mexico border, largely due to the behaviors and characteristics of the specific Mexican cartels operating in these areas.

“He pays tribute to issues that Donald Trump raises”, he said.

The billionaire businessman and reality TV star, who has been dominating news coverage of the Republican primary race since he announced his candidacy last month, will travel to Laredo, Texas Thursday. Dozens of people were on hand, a mix of protesters and supporters.

“Our intentions to meet with Mr. Trump was to provide a “Boots on the Ground” perspective to not only Mr. Trump, but to the media that would be in attendance at this event”, the National Border Patrol Council Local 2455 wrote in a statement.

At another point, Trump was asked whether he’d like to apologize to those Hispanics who he insulted when he claimed that many Mexican immigrants who come to the United States illegally are rapists and murders. And how some people distort his position about the country and its immigrants.

Trump’s visit ended with a freaky appearance in front of several dozen law enforcement officers, including some from U.S. Border Patrol.

“Let [Trump] be onstage in the debate, but let’s isolate him by denouncing forcefully what he’s saying, because it’s insulting and it’s baseless”, Aguilar said during a policy panel before Perry’s speech. Yet, paradoxically, he’s praised globalization for tearing down barriers to global markets.

“He’s totally about open borders and all this stuff”, Trump said.

His visit drew strong reaction from some residents of Laredo, which has an overwhelmingly Hispanic population. McCain said Tuesday he would no longer respond to Trump’s comments. Never one to pass on a fight, Trump said the glasses Perry took to wearing in recent years weren’t fooling anyone into thinking he was smart. “Sometimes honesty hurts”, she said.

Bush, in South Carolina on Wednesday, said he wasn’t approaching the debate thinking about Trump or any rival who might be on the stage.

On the second place of the race is the governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, with 13%, while the former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, is third with 12%.


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told MSNBC on Thursday, “I think he’s sort of a political vehicle wreck where people slow down and watch”.

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks at his South Carolina campaign kickoff rally in Bluffton South Carolina