
Donald Trump: Obama Has Done Nothing for African Americans

Trump, who has relentlessly grilled the president about his birth certificate and was once sued by the Justice Department for discriminating against black tenants, still sees himself as the best option to represent black voters. “You look at what’s going on, at their income levels, you look at what’s gone on with their youth”. And his life is in ruins. “I don’t debate.” He also spoke by phone on CBS’ “Face the Nation“. And I think that’s probably hurt him very badly.


He said: ‘You know what?

He hinted that he is prepared to release his full tax return, following Clinton’s disclosure on Friday of all her documentation from 2007-2014. There’s a lot of anger in the country.

Rove believes the talk of Joe Biden running is a symptom of Hillary Clintons problems and wouldn’t be surprised if by September, Biden is seriously considering a run. Because nothing’s been done. “I don’t think he could’ve beaten her six months ago, or even three months ago”. And I have said this many times, so it is not exactly breaking news. I pay as little as possible.

The Republican frontrunner, who claims to be worth in excess of $10billion, said he “fight[s] like hell” to minimize his bill, and that “that’s the way you are supposed to do it”.

The attitude that failure by one proves the unworthiness of all has plagued African-Americans through this country’s history.

“Here you have a black president that has done very poorly for the African-Americans of this country”, said Trump.

Trump didn’t rule out a third-party candidacy in his ABC interview.

“I understand your critique”, said Karl. “If I’m not treated fairly by the Republican Party, I very well might consider that. And I would certainly not give that up”.

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump waves as he leaves a brief stop to speak to supporters and the media in Laredo, Texas, Thursday, July 23, 2015.


Boaz also pointed out that Trump recently voiced his support for medical marijuana, and that when asked about Colorado, the 2016 GOP contender essentially said that states should be able to decide on legalizing recreational weed.

Trump doesn't measure up