
Donald Trump: ‘Obama would get creamed if he ran again’

“They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people“. He is primed to play a starring role in the coming Republican debate, on August 6 in Cleveland, and into the early voting states in 2016. This time the GOP would be a well-oiled machine, with a handful of candidates who quickly and quietly made way for the coronation of King Bush the Third. Trump is surely in. The piece talks about Trump being at the top of a national poll, then reads: “But being electable is not the same as being qualified”. He’s leading the field in the Republican primary because he’s struck a chord with Republicans who are sick and exhausted of the Republican establishment and candidates like Jeb Bush. He also assuaged Republican fears that if they don’t anoint him as their candidate, he’ll take his toys, go home, and run as an independent.


According to the data, Trump has a significant lead in several key groups: voters on every point on the conservative spectrum favor him, as do voters in both the over-50 and under-50 age groups and both Republican voters and independent voters likely to vote Republican.

I very simply said that Iran is going to takeover Iraq, and if that’s going to happen, we should just stay there and take the oil.

Priebus also dismissed the idea that Trump could be damaging the party’s image with his bold rhetoric.

Ekins says that most Trump supporters tend to be white, working-class males with lower levels of education who are frustrated with the sort of “smoke screen” politics that dominate Washington. Cruz told Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press“, “I salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration”. We could have even Republicans begging Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to lead a peaceful overthrow of a Trump administration six weeks after the inauguration. The majority of Republican candidates were not willing to reject what Trump had said.

Whether affection or contempt, it seems most Americans following the 2016 presidential election have a visceral opinion of Republican candidate Donald Trump. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul dodged the issue: “I don’t know what he’s been saying, but he apparently is drawing a lot of attention”.


There will be 14 Republican presidential candidates at the forum, which is being co-sponsored by news media in New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina, home of the first three GOP primaries and caucuses. “Absolutely, if they’re not fair, that would be a factor”. “But I do think people admire the fact that Mr. Trump often times speaks in a spontaneous way”. When those surveyed were asked for their second choice, it became clear that Trump is taking votes from all of the rest of the Republican field, the poll found, with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie the biggest loser.

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