
Donald Trump on Hillary Clinton: ‘I don’t think she’s all there’

Hillary Clinton and Sen.


Virginia is also Gary Johnson’s best state, with 7% showing interest in the Libertarian Party candidate.

Billed as the 2016 Presidential Election Forum, the event is being put on by the Asian American Journalists Association and the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote. “They look at her and they say this can’t be happening to us”.

Both candidates are taking a break from the trail today.

“How can you make America great again when you haven’t been making anything in America?”

“I would like to thank the evangelical and religious community because I’ll tell you what, the support they’ve given me, and I’m not sure I totally deserve it”. “At this point, the GOP does not have a Presidential campaign and as each day passes, the point where Trump can recover is fading”.

Trump needs the next four weeks to deliver a solid message-uninterrupted by tit-for-tat responses to every perceived slight or suggestion-of national security and economic growth.

Gingrich quickly suggested ways how Trump’s plan might offset the loss of government revenue if he cuts corporate tax from 35% to 15%, as Trump plans. Trump wants to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and now says he wants to suspend immigration from “terror countries” – though he has yet to say what those are.

The short video features Clinton misspeaking and correcting herself on several occasions.

He reversed course and endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan for re-election on Friday, pledging to work with Republican Party leaders.

Even worse, a number of high profile Republicans, including Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman, have announced they are walking away from Trump and voting for Clinton. He suggested that Trump is climbing a learning curve in his transition from business world titan to presidential candidate. Just 33% said Trump understands worldwide matters, while 72% said Clinton does.

“Well, first of all, the candidate is in control of his campaign”, Manafort said Wednesday on Fox News. Giuliani spoke on ABC’s “This Week”.

Almost three-in-four Americans, 73 percent, including 59 percent of Republicans, said Trump mishandled his dispute with the Khans, a Muslim-American Gold Star family who stood onstage and condemned him at last week’s Democratic National Convention.

“He’s going to win parts of OH where people are really hurting”, said Kasich, a Trump critic.

He told a rally in Wisconsin it was Clinton who was “pretty close to unhinged” and an “unbalanced person”.

But Kasich says he can’t swing behind Trump either, and that any candidate who wants to win his support has to “operate in the light”, and not on the “dark side of the street”.

Among registered voters, the Reuters/Ipsos survey, conducted online between July 31 and August 4, shows Clinton’s lead down to 5 points, from an 8-point lead she saw on Monday.

But when Putin returned to the top job, things changed.

Abandoning traditional decorum, President Barack Obama launched a five-minute diatribe in the White House East Room, calling the property mogul “unfit and woefully unprepared” for office.

Trump’s visit to New Hampshire comes following his endorsement of Senator Kelly Ayotte in her reelection bid on Friday.

The Atlanta Journal gave Clinton a 4-point lead in Red state Georgia.

The poll shows she has advanced her position among women voters and consolidated support with her own party after receiving the Democratic nomination recently. “She lied to Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, who was killed at Benghazi, because of her incompetence in failing to secure that mission”, he said.


While the Clinton campaign did not engage the Republican on the mental issue, Trump’c critics have raised similar questions about him.

Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump attends campaign event at Windham High School in Windham New Hampshire