
Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: ‘She should really be apologizing to me’

Omarosa went on to explain that questions about where Trump stands on “real issues that affect real women” would have focused on topics such as reproductive health and gender equality in the workplace. And the GOP presidential race is not a very special episode of “The Apprentice”. Trump pointed to his lack of political correctness.


Kelly grilled the all-male panel of GOP hopefuls during Thursday night’s debate, but her questions for Trump stirred the biggest controversy.

Trump worked the political talk show circuit on Sunday, refusing to apologize for his remarks about Kelly.

“But after Ailes called, Trump tweeted that the Fox chief had assured him of this: “‘Trump’ will be treated fairly on Fox News“. While he leads recent polls, the former reality television star has drawn heated criticism from many in his own party for saying Fox moderator Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”.

Mr Trump feuded with rivals and moderators in Thursday night’s debate.

The Washington Post immediately took note of Mr Jindal’s new strategy, carrying a headline reading, “Bobby Jindal’s new strategy: Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump“.

Past that, he was clearly trying to channel the “presidential Perry-ness” we’ve glimpsed lately to convince people he’s still a viable option even while he graced the “kiddie table” debate that Fox News reserved for the seven candidates who weren’t doing well enough in the national polls to make the top ten. Not only did he refuse to attack Trump, but he defended him.

In the meantime, don’t expect him to change. They asked Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee about reforming federal entitlement programs.

Did Fox News grill Trump on his past comments and financial problems in the hopes of taunting him into offering up more inflammatory comments?

Pritchard doesn’t believe Trump’s explanation that he was talking about Kelly’s nose.

Traits the organization doesn’t think Trump has. For those who watched the debate, he did even better: 21 percent of those who reported watching it live said they support Trump. Women, she says, “may lose the right to exercise a personal choice” if certain Republican candidates win the White House. (Trump also attended the college I graduated from, Fordham University, for two years before he transferred to University of Pennsylvania.).

That’s still far short of having her own network or magazine like Winfrey, but Fortune points out the billionaire started her empire as a media personality all the same. “I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will. But that was a disgrace”. But let’s hear much more about his policy ideas.


“Oh really“, Trump wrote, telling his Twitter followers to check out the “innocent” discussion and adding that “I am the innocent (pure) one!”

Americans think Trump would be a great travel companion