
Donald Trump on ‘The Tonight Show:’ “I love Kanye”.

Donald Trump continues to prove his ratings power – just ask “Tonight Showhost Jimmy Fallon.


That’s one hell of a hairpiece, Jimmy!

Trump has vowed in the past that he would build a wall between the USA and Mexico to prevent undocumented immigrants from crossing the border.

When Fallon inquired as to whether he’d be targeting anyone in particular, Trump airily shrugged, “As far as candidates, you know, to me, they’re all the same”. After one lengthy answer about how much he’s winning, Fallon was so perplexed he responded, “What question did I ask?”

While speaking on Friday’s Tonight Show, the Republican frontrunner, Doland Trump, said that he will not hesitate to apologize if he does something wrong.

Okay then. Well, at least the guy is comedy gold.

Fallon and Trump did get another rise out of the audience when Fallon asked Trump if he ever apologized in his life.

He admitted he didn’t believe Trump would actually run for president, and then, with an air of disbelief, said, “I still don’t!”

“By doing it. It just happens”, Actual Trump said.

Later in the show, Trump – who leads his 15 rivals for the Republican nomination, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, in the polls – took part in a fairly tame real interview with Fallon.

In a sketch that supplemented the sitdown interview, he and Fallon wore matching dark suits – and sculpted coifs – for a take on the old “talking to myself in the dressing room mirror” routine.

Following the scripted interview, Trump and Fallon held a “real” interview, but it’s generally being dismissed as a love-fest with nothing newsworthy to report.

In the show’s opening skit, Fallon flashed his best impersonation of the brash developer, mocking everything from Trump’s hair and mannerisms to his duck-faced scowl.

“I’m like you now; I don’t use teleprompters”, the host shot back as the crowd roared, with Fallon crumpling up a piece of paper on his desk, presumably with the prepared questions on it.

“Look, I’m really rich”. “If you’re not wrong …”

“Wow, I look fantastic”, said Fallon-as-Trump.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he’d be happy to apologize … if he ever had reason to. If you keep digging eventually you might come out in China and be the president of China.


Trump will appear on Late Show with Stephen Colbert in two weeks.

Donald Trump Tells Jimmy Fallon He Wants Kanye West As His Vice President