
Donald Trump on unarmed Hillary Clinton guards: ‘Let’s see what happens’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump renewed his attack Friday on rival Hillary Clinton by suggesting that her bodyguards should disarm in order to “see what happens” to the Democratic nominee asking for more stringent gun laws.


“We’ve got so many other things to do”, Obama said adding he’s “pretty confident about where I was born, I think most people were, as well”.

“You could put half of Trump supporters into what I call the ‘Basket of Deplorables, ‘ Clinton said about Trump supporters”.

The GOP candidate for President was at it again on Friday, arguing that Hillary Clinton should disarm her bodyguards if she were really serious about gun control – another ridiculous statement from a person wanting to lead the country. “Okay. It will be very unsafe”, he added. The Secret Service is part of the federal government and protects presidential and vice presidential candidates in both parties, as well as their families, and visiting heads of state.

While aides to Trump said he does believe that President Obama was born in the United States and was talking about gun rights rather than Clinton’s safety, Democrats said the Republican nominee continues to make statements that seem to encourage racists and extremists. “This kind of talk should be out of bounds for a presidential candidate”, the New York Times quoted Mook as saying.

A spokeswoman for the Secret Service declined to comment.

“You know (Clinton’s) very much against the Second Amendment”.

“He acts like terrorism is something like the weather, it just happens, and we as Americans know that’s not true”.

In a tweet, Trump had falsely accused Clinton of supporting a complete ban on guns for civilians.

Clinton went on to say Trump traffics in conspiracy theories and should not be president. “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters”, he said.

While campaigning in South Florida, which has a large Cuban-American population, Mr Trump said if he is elected president, he will reverse Mr Obama’s efforts to normalise relations with Cuba – unless the country abides by certain “demands”.

Trump is known for spending less money on television advertisements, while his opponents Hillary Clinton is spending a huge sum of money.

He also said the USA has a broader obligation to stand with oppressed people – a comment that seems at odds with his “America first” mantra. Clinton also said some of these people were “irredeemable” and not “representative of America”.


The ABC anchor continued to press Pence after he acknowledged “without hesitation” that Obama was born in the U.S., but characterized the questions as a “sidebar debate”.

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