
Donald Trump once again Republican’s top choice

As Republican party officials and congressional leaders begin contemplating what the political world would look like with Donald Trump at the top of the ticket, the complexion of the race could change abruptly.


“Is there anybody that doesn’t re-negotiate deals in this room?” he said to laughs.

‘I don’t want your money, therefore you’re probably not going to support me because stupidly, you want to give money.

‘Even though he’s better than all of these guys.

The comments touched a nerve with former George W. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer.

Then Trump made a decision to speak at the Republican Jewish Coalition earlier today and forced me to revise my earlier opinion.

“There has never been a time in the history of this country where we needed prayer more”, Cruz said to cheers.

Rubio said that the act, which passed a few months ago with bipartisan support, “took away the right to collect metadata, which means that we can now not access the phone records of individuals that we either suspect of being involved in terrorism or who carry out an attack to see who they were coordinating or talking to”. We encourage him to clarify that this was not his intention and that he rejects traditional stereotypes about Jews and money’. Moving into fourth spot is the candidate that most of the Republican establishment love and that is the Sunshine Stares own junior Sen.

But Trump was outright booed by the audience after he would not endorse Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital. Marco Rubio at 12%.

He lauded Israel for being “on the frontlines of our civilizational struggle against radical, apocalyptic Islam”.

His speech came at the tail end of a morning of addresses in which the other Republican candidates boasted of their pro-Israel credentials and their close ties to the US Jewish community. “I don’t know whether or not they want to go that final step, you know, and that’s going to be up to them”. But more often than not, Donald Trump rallies are stocked to the gills with avid supporters, and they don’t necessarily fit the mold illustrated by the CNN/ORC research. He has support of 36% of registered Republicans.

‘There’s plenty of evidence of Israel’s repeated attempts at peace, ‘ he said. “I think Trump’s language and perspective is a long-term negative in terms of building the party”.


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which regularly publishes surveys of global and national anti-Semitism, issued a statement in which the organization “disagreed with those writers and commentators who suggested that presidential hopeful Donald Trump intentionally evoked anti-Semitic stereotypes”.

Trump reflects on Vietnam War offers advice to young people