
Donald Trump plans California campaign headquarters in Sacramento

The goal (which Cruz and Kasich can no longer reach) is the dashed line at the top, which represents the 1,237 mark. But as the possibility of a contested convention continues to loom, both men are planning for a scenario in which unbound delegates hand them the nomination in July.


New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer ordered an audit of the city elections board after it confirmed the names had been removed from voter rolls. However, he said he is not discouraged. And I had to be very tough coming back.

Trump’s victory in NY on Tuesday increased his delegate total to 845, roughly 300 more than Texas Sen. After that, the delegates can vote for someone else.

“He said a couple of little things, he said, ‘She suffers from bad judgment, ‘” Trump began. “I believe we will have a tremendous advantage in that battle because the party is unifying behind us”, Cruz said. The memo, which claims Trump is the “prohibitive favourite”, projects he will accumulate over 1,400 delegates to secure the nomination. This would set up a contested convention, which would have each candidate battle it out for the remaining delegates.

This possibility does not bode well for Trump. Bridgeport city officials said she will be attending a church service on Sunday morning, but no information was available on when or exactly where.

The GOP front-runner told a half full Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex that despite a rigged delegate system “we’re winning a lot” and “we’re kicking ass!”

One RNC official from a Western state laughed off Manafort’s pitch telling The Daily Caller in disbelief that the Trump camp basically said “they really did understand the rules and they weren’t here to learn about them from us”.

South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore said Trump’s recent hiring of Rick Wiley, a Republican veteran who was former presidential candidate Scott Walker’s campaign manager, was a good sign. “Donald doesn’t like losing”, Cruz said. “He doesn’t handle it well, and when Donald loses, he lashes out at the voters”.

“When he’s sitting in a room, he’s talking business, he’s talking politics in a private room, it’s a different persona”, Paul Manafort said at a private meeting with RNC members at their spring summit in Florida, a recording of which was obtained by the New York Times, Washington Post and other outlets.


Even as his team pressed Trump’s case, he raised fresh concern among some conservatives by speaking against North Carolina’s “bathroom law”, which directs transgender people to use the bathroom that matches the sex on their birth certificates.

Donald Trump holds up the front page of the New York Post as he signs autographs at a rally with supporters in Harrington Del. on Friday. The Republican presidential front-runner has vowed not to tamp down his boisterous personality as he edges closer