
Donald Trump Polls: New Post Debate Polls Show Surge

The poll also found that Trump, while maintaining his lead, elicits the strongest positive and negative reactions among Republican and likely Republican voters.


His closest rival, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, trails at 12 percent, down from 17 percent before the debate.

Trump’s staying power is defying predictions of political doom and leading some Republicans to explore ways to persuade him not to pursue a third-party bid should he falter in his quest for the Republican nomination in 2016.

But Carly Fiorina, a former business executive and the only woman in the Republican field, acknowledged Trump had tapped into a broad sense of frustration with Washington. We’re still waiting for a new live interview poll, but for now the fact that none of these four polls shows a dramatic Trump decline – and that one even shows his strength increasing – seems to suggest that there’s been no such decline. Trump refuses to apologize for many of his statements, according to CNN, and emphasized at the debate that he proudly says whatever is on his mind.

During a combustible performance, Trump fired off insults at Paul, Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly, comedian Rosie O’Donnell, the Mexican government and an assortment of other targets. “About 1 in 5 Trump supporters said they would support the eventual Republican candidate, while about the same number said it would depend”. Public Policy Polling released a post-debate Iowa survey on Monday, which showed Fiorina polling among the top five Republican presidential candidates. The billionaire took the lead with 23 percent, 10 percent higher than the next candidate on the list, Sen.

The poll was conducted among 746 Republicans and Republican leaning independents. “That’s what Donald Trump has tapped into”, said Fiorina, who was the runaway choice at more than 80 percent when Fox News asked viewers to tweet who they thought won the first debate.

The poll found that Cruz and Fiorina saw the biggest gain in favorability ratings following the debates, at seven and six points, respectively.


Shortly after the early debate, social media interest in Fiorina surpassed interest in Trump, according to Google analytics. The next GOP debate is scheduled for September 16 at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California. The next Republican debate is on September 16.

The first post-debate poll still gives Donald Trump a commanding lead