
Donald Trump postpones VP announcement after Nice, France truck attack

Trump was in California Thursday for several fundraisers.


Sources familiar with campaign operations cautioned that while Pence and Gingrich were finalists, Trump could always have a last-minute change of heart and choose someone else from his short list.

“It’s down to three”, the younger Trump said. “But I haven’t made a final, final decision”.

“I think Gov. Pence brings a nice well-rounded approach to that ticket”, Noel told WDRB News.

Other names that have been mentioned include Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb, House Speaker Brian Bosma, former Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke.

A staunch conservative and experienced politician (both as an executive and lawmaker), it’s likely the choice precipitates from Trump’s admitted desire to find a running mate that could help him navigate the House and Senate.

KTTH’s Michael Medved has heavily criticized Trump in the past, but he says this is one of Trump’s smarter moves. I hope that (Trump) he picks a good movement conservative.

Trump’s prospective running mate has also taken different positions on free trade and a proposal to at least temporarily bar Muslims from entering the United States.

Roll Call was the first to report the pick, citing a GOP insider with direct knowledge of the matter. The New Jersey governor, 53, quickly endorsed Trump after ending his own presidential bid, stunning many of his supporters.

In 2014, Pence tweeted: “Trade means jobs, but trade also means security”. “Because I don’t like Governor Pence and most of the people who are my friends don’t like Governor Pence”, Tully said.

Gingrich spoke about the vice presidential selection process during a live Facebook video on Thursday.

Trump had initially suggested he would wait until the Republican National Convention to unveil his vice presidential choice, IN law forced his hand.

The two haves pent extensive time together on the campaign trail and with each other’s families in recent days.

The New York real estate mogul says he’ll reveal his veep pick Friday.

He has not avoided criticising Trump, though.


Here are five things you need to know about the Indiana Governor.

Report: Trump to choose Pence as VP