
Donald Trump pushes ahead of Hillary Clinton — UPI/CVoter poll

She reiterated that she had made mistakes in relying on a personal email account and private server as secretary of state and in voting for the 2003 invasion of Iraq as a senator.


While Trump has often complained that USA forces are not large enough or well-equipped, he’s also said that he’d save money by cutting waste and ensuring that contractors aren’t getting sweetheart deals due to their connections or lobbying efforts. Both candidates believe they have the upper hand, with Clinton contrasting her experience with Trump’s unpredictability and the Republican arguing that Americans anxious about their safety will be left with more of the same if they elect Obama’s former secretary of state.

“They have, as Matt Olsen has pointed out, said that they hope Allah delivers America to Trump”, Clinton said.

Clinton’s campaign has been preparing around the country, while Trump’s has been struggling to figure out exactly where it should be. The crowd did its bit, cheering lustily as she recalled urging the president to launch the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011 (“You go girl!” shouted a woman). “The man has very strong control over a country”, Trump said.

There is a faint element of awkwardness when Democrats play hawk. The air force reservist chosen to introduce Mrs Clinton in Tampa was a shy former boss of an aircraft maintenance squadron, rather than a bullet-chewing warrior-type.

And while Clinton’s super PACs have steadily raised checks of unlimited size and deployed their substantial resources on swing-state television, Trump’s are still sputtering, failing to reel in large checks and ceding television airwaves for much of the summer to Clinton allies.

“What has happened is that our leadership in the military, in the armed forces right now – there’s a lot of frustration because of the policies that we are following and the strategy that we’re following, particularly against ISIS, but also what we’re doing out in the South China Sea, what we’re doing in Korea, what we’re doing in eastern Europe”, Mr. Flynn said.

Hillary seems to want to scale down, Trump the opposite.

Asked whether he’d be comfortable with Trump as president, Ryan demurred, “I’ll leave it at that”. His campaign unveiled endorsements from 88 retired generals and admirals, prompting Team Clinton to release a list of 95 former generals and admirals who back her, and to note that the Republican nominee in 2012, Mitt Romney, found 500 flag officers to endorse him.

A televised forum in NY, hosted by NBC News and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, a charity, pointed up the downsides of Mrs Clinton’s extensive record.

One reporter asked her about the latest poll.

On the tarmac of an airport at White Plains, New York, Clinton called out how Trump “trash-talked American generals” when he said that they were “reduced to rubble” in Middle East conflicts and when he “suggested he would fire them”.


Trump also renewed his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his disdain for President Barack Obama, saying that the Russian enjoyed an 82 percent approval rating.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump