
Donald Trump pushes back planned speech on immigration

“A new era of real American greatness is ready to begin-if I get elected president”, Trump said, imploring attendees to encourage friends and family to vote for him in the presidential election November 8.


“What he supports is to make sure we enforce the law, we are respectful of those Americans who are looking for well-paying jobs and that we are fair and humane to those who live among us in this country”, Conway said on “State of the Union”.

“We want to come up with a really fair, but firm answer”.

Trump told ‘Fox and Friends Monday morning: ‘We have to be very firm. “We’re gonna get them out”, he said.

Trump’s renewed focus on the foundation follows a week of sweeping changes to his campaign leadership as he seeks to gain ground on Clinton. “And I think he’s going to get this thing back on track”, Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, said on Sunday. What people don’t know is that Obama got tremendous numbers of people out of the country.

“Donald Trump performs better consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the elections … it’s become socially desirable, especially if you’re a college educated person in the USA, to say that you’re against Donald Trump”, said Conway.

The desire to convince whites he is not a flaming bigot may also be why one of the pillars of Trump’s campaign – the promise to round up and deport 11 million undocumented immigrants – has suddenly gone wobbly.

This as Trump advisers are reportedly “fine tuning” the candidate’s immigration policy, but the details won’t be immediately known, as the team postponed a policy speech planned this week in Colorado. Now, with Donald Trump as the party’s nominee, there are signs that the grip on the Lone Star State may be weakening.

It was the latest of many occasions when Trump advisors have suggested he might adjust his rhetoric to widen his appeal, only to be contradicted by a candidate who resists attempts to bend his will.

Indeed, Trump’s first television ad of the general election specifically singles out illegal immigrants with criminal records, claiming that, if Clinton is elected, “Illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay”.

A Trump campaign source said the campaign made a decision to push back Trump’s immigration speech as it is still fine-tuning its immigration policy and the speech’s language.

A capacity crowd filled the 5,000-seat James A. Rhodes arena – but not until Mr. Trump was almost to the end of his speech because the rally started more than a half hour before the 7 p.m. scheduled starting time.

Trump would not say what that answer is but said he had not changed his position. “He knows he can’t break up families and round up people on buses to kick them out”. “There can be no exceptions”. “How can we trust you when you refuse to expose and reveal your tax returns?” she asked.

Asked on Fox News if he was flip-flopping on his immigration ideas, Trump insisted that he still intends to be “strong” while emphasizing the importance of fairness when it comes to immigrants living in the United States illegally. “That’s not what he is supposed to be about”. When he announced he was running for president, he called for construction of a wall along the nation’s border with Mexico to stop undocumented immigrants from entering the country.

An op-ed on the Inquisitr points out very simply, why there’s no way that Donald Trump is going to win this election.

“We’re going to build the wall so fast their heads will spin”. He said this is one of Trump’s ploys to make his supporters feel they aren’t racist by supporting him.


Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, is spending the next three days fund raising across California.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton