
Donald Trump racks up more wins, but Ted Cruz stays alive

The two appeared ever more likely to end up in a general election showdown. Ted Cruz has won Texas’ Republican presidential primary, a home-state victory that gives him Super Tuesday’s most delegate-rich prize.


And others who are warming up to the idea of supporting Trump, especially after seeing him win 8 more states on Super Tuesday.

Donald Trump will speak about Super Tuesday results at his Mar-A-Lago Club in West Palm Beach.

“Now this campaign moves forward to the crescent city the motor city and beyond”, Clinton said….this country belongs to all of us, not just those at the top”. “He’s a lightweight as I’ve said before”.

The Republican front-runner won contests in six states – Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia – bolstering his claim on the nomination.

“The question becomes how much does Trump win by…”

Not to mention, Clinton has a vast majority of superdelegates voting for her thus far, giving her an even bigger boost.

Republicans spent months largely letting Trump go unchallenged, wrongly assuming that his populist appeal with voters would fizzle. Marco Rubio to discredit the billionaire businessman.

But why would the Democratic frontrunner be in Miami watching Super Tuesday from afar?

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey posted on social media Tuesday night saying that he commends Trump’s victory in the Volunteer state.

Rubio has yet to win a primary. Overall, Trump leads the Republican field with 221 delegates.

“I ask you to prayerfully consider our coming together, united”, Cruz said. Colorado is a little heftier with 66 delegates, as is Minnesota with 77 delegates.

“The people who know me best have voted so strongly to put me in the White House”, Sanders boasted, declaring that his campaign “is not just about electing a president, it is about transforming America”.


Following a disappointing showing in Iowa and after receiving a political bloody nose in New Hampshire, Clinton bounced back in Nevada, the lead-up to a huge victory in SC, where she captured almost three-quarters of the vote. Instead, he’s watched Trump, a brash NY real estate mogul, display surprising strength with evangelical Christians and social conservatives.

Ben Carson Marco Rubio Donald Trump Ted Cruz John Kasich