
Donald Trump Reads Out Phone Number He Says Belongs to Lindsey Graham

John McCain, R-Arizona.


Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks did not respond to a request for comment. Also because Trump, rather than any of his more experienced rivals, is setting the agenda for the race.

So, the pattern here is whoever utters the slightest critical word of Donald Trump, they are gonna get hit back.

Even with the drop in support on the final night of the survey, Trump was the favorite of 24 percent of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents.

Some senators really, really didn’t want to talk about Trump-including McCain, the 2008 Republican nominee, who laughed and brushed away questions about his lead in the polls, according to the RealClearPolitics average. In a speech that nearly felt like a comedy roast of Washington, Trump flung put-downs in every direction, especially at a certain South Carolina senator who had used some possibly objectionable language to slam Trump earlier.

Even in the Republican Party, Trump’s characterizations reflect a minority view.

Trump remains unbowed. “I’m called a jackass”, he said Wednesday on CNN. “He is a war hero because he was captured“, the billionaire businessman said.

The real estate mogul was kicking off his campaign in South Carolina – Lindsey Graham’s home state and the third state in the primary and caucus process.

And yet, as Graham is surely learning, Trump’s message was heard far beyond the few hundred people gathered in South Carolina.

If Trump were to receive the GOP nomination, 62 percent of Americans say they definitely would not consider voting for him.

Trump has dominated campaign news since he announced his candidacy. “I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”

“He gave me his number and I found the card”, Trump told the crowd, holding up a piece of yellow paper. Lindsey Graham called him a “jackass”, only to see floods of Trump supporters jam his phone line after Trump read Graham’s number to an audience.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was here Monday and Rick Perry will speak at this same auditorium later in the week. Because Jeb Bush is in favor of Common Core, and he’s weak on immigration. “You know, I’m saying to myself, what’s this guy, a beggar?”

The back-and-forth is the latest in a series of showdowns between Trump and fellow GOP candidates frustrated by Trump’s brash campaign, which has often overshadowed their own in recent weeks. Instead, Trump donated $1 million dollars to see that the property in lower Manhattan could be properly transformed into a memorial site, ABC News reports.

The feud is unfolding as the candidates prepare for the first GOP debate, a venue to which the top 10 in national polling will be invited out of a swollen lineup of 16.


“Give it a shot”, Trump said in Bluffton, S.C. “Your local politician, you know?”

Can Perry stand out in 2016 without his signature swagger