
Donald Trump receives Purple Heart from vet: ‘This was much easier’

Republican nominee Donald Trump got what he said he’s “always wanted” – a Purple Heart – after a military veteran gifted the honor to Trump at a campaign rally on Tuesday in Ashburn, Virginia. Purple Heart medals are awarded to service members who are wounded in combat. Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman, a Virginia veteran, handed a Purple Heart to Trump Tuesday during a rally – though it remains unknown if it is genuine or just a replica. “I want his surrogates to call that man, thank him and put that Purple Heart back on that person’s chest”.


Trump told the Times he received the 1-Y deferment, which was highly sought after by young men seeking to avoid military conscription, because of the foot condition, which he said prevented him from walking long distances.

U.S. House candidate Sean Bratton, a Marine veteran who was severely injured after a sniper shot him through the neck in Iraq, issued a statement calling Trump’s comments “flippant and repugnant”.

During the interview, Trump said four times that he was “viciously attacked” by Khizr Khan, and said that the controversy and backlash that erupted was purely media generated.

Barney, a Democratic congressional candidate from DE, blasted Trump for his “flippant and repugnant” comments. It should be noted that Trump has never served in the military.

“You can not get the Purple Heart unless you shed blood”, Kapsalis said.

But minutes later, an annoyed Trump turned again toward the baby and said, “Actually I was only kidding”.

More than a dozen protestors were ousted from the rally and Trump himself kicked out a mother with her crying baby.

Loudon said she is voting for Hillary Clinton. Most people believe Trump should give it back to the veteran. “I think I’m into this for over over $60 million now”.

The event comes on the heels of her primetime appearance during last week’s Democratic National Convention.

All three Republicans he criticized had denounced the nominee’s comments about the Khan family.

Because usually, when you get one, you’re not standing on a stage safe as can be, and they’re not something usually awarded to draft dodgers.


“Maybe Donald Trump would like to read my son’s autopsy report to know exactly what happened to him to earn his Purple Heart”, Loudon said.

Donald Trump was gifted a Purple Heart at a rally in Virginia on Tuesday