
Donald Trump Releases First TV Ad of General Election

Correction: This story was revised to correct that Manafort’s title had been Trump campaign chairman.


“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing”, he said. “But I personally don’t regret anything that he’s said”. I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain.

“He was talking about anyone who feels offended by anything he said”, Conway elaborated today. “You know after I said that, my poll numbers went up seven points”. Throughout the campaign, Trump has generally refused to apologize for remarks viewed as insensitive or insulting.

“I will not rest until children of every color in this country are fully included in the American Dream”, Trump said, urging African-American voters to give him a chance.

She defended the timing of her boss’s remarks, “Perhaps he felt it before, but he expressed it now”. Trump continues to campaign for his run for President of the United States. Trump aides said that Manafort was giving the new blood room to develop their own plans and strategies.

Donald Trump is managing to do the impossible-turn the one demographic he has always counted on against him.

Steinem’s analogy could be attributed to the fact that Trump has been criticized during the campaign for his tepid denouncement of anti-Semitic supporters and for tweeting an image of Clinton and a Star of David created by a racist Twitter user and circulated by white-supremacists.

For Mr. Trump, who has staked much of his legitimacy as a candidate on his strength in the polls, the numbers are a dose of cold, risky math.

North Carolina is normally an essential state for any Republican presidential nominee, and polls show Trump in a tight race with Clinton. Further, 77 percent of Trump supporters and 64 percent of Republicans said in the same poll that they support Trump’s temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the U.S. “It lights a fire under us and reminds us what we need to do to get this done”.

“On trade, we are going to renegotiate NAFTA, withdraw from the TPP, stand up to China on our bad trade agreement, and protect every last American job”. Clinton held a 43% to 40% edge over Trump last week.


Two US security officials said the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security have offered assistance to both political parties in identifying possible intrusions and upgrading their defenses against what one of the officials called “constantly evolving threats”. “It’s hard to remember he’s 70 on a daily basis”. When we met in January, Bill Cosby’s serial predations had just exploded into the news after laying dormant for many years. “And on this, Hillary Clinton routinely, including just yesterday, insults Donald Trump”.

Trump named Steve Bannon from Breitbart News website as campaign CEO. He also promoted senior adviser Kellyanne Conway to campaign manager