
Donald Trump releases health details from physical exam

The letter was written by Dr. Harold Bornstein, of New York’s Lenox Hospital.


“The Dr. Oz show edited out Trump’s comments on kissing daughter Ivanka as often as possible”, Bloomberg health’s Michelle Cortez remarked. Doing so is “a really healthy act” as said giving a speech is “a lot of work” and he’s “using a lot of motion”. But viewers – and voters – won’t ever get to see the creepy comment because the “Dr. Oz” show left those comments on the cutting room floor.

“I guess that’s a form of exercise”, he said.

ABC News reports the letter listed that Trump had a echocardiogram of his heart and a chest x-ray performed, but did not disclose why these tests were performed. It said Mr Trump was hospitalised once as a child, for an appendectomy at age 11 (the doctor’s note in December said Mr Trump was 10 at the time).

“I feel as good today as I did when I was 30″, he said, going on to compare himself to his friend, National Football League player Tom Brady.

The TV doctor did tell Trump that he was a little overweight, and Trump said that he would like to lose 15-20 pounds. Reporters who were on-set while Donald was filming Dr. Oz (trying to prove he’s healthier than Hillary Clinton, sigh) saw that Donald greeted his daughter by kissing her. “You have women who just aren’t in a position to get a prescription”.

He said they shouldn’t have to. “People have said that’s not the right thing to say”.

Trump Jr’s poor taste comments come as both his father and rival Clinton face pressure to share more medical information after the Democratic candidate fell ill during a 9/11 ceremony in NY on Sunday morning.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine also released a letter that stated he was in “overall excellent health”.

Rival Hillary Clinton has criticized Trump for failing to share much about his medical records while calling for her own. Video credit: Zdenek Gazda.


Mike Pence has released a letter from his doctor vouching for his “excellent” health. The Secret Service is part of the federal government and protects presidential and vice presidential candidates in both parties, as well as their families, and visiting heads of state.

Vice presidential running mate Mike Pence governor of Indiana stands with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump