
Donald Trump retakes the lead

Trailing not too far behind is Florida Sen. The media tends to shift its focus to these candidates leading the race – & in that spotlight can appear particularly hard to those in that are newer to the political scene.


Trump told a crowd in Newton, Iowa on Thursday that he believed Carson’s campaign was in serious trouble after the retired neurosurgeon has struggled to answer questions on foreign policy. Looking at a number of subgroups may offer a few clues as to how the early contests could go.

Despite tying Trump for first place at the end of October, support for Ben Carson’s 2016 White House bid fell eight percentage points to just 18 percent among Republican and GOP-leaning independent voters.

Carson is losing his support among evangelicals.

Ted Cruz has also gained traction chipping away at the two frontrunners lead.

In a hypothetical Republican primary, the survey found Carson in the lead among Wisconsin voters with 22 percent, followed by Trump and Rubio with 19 percent each.

Among those with college degrees or more, the Republican race is utterly divided, with Trump, Carson, Cruz and Rubio getting almost equal levels of support.

Ben Carson’s campaign is in “free fall”, Donald Trump says, and he’s giving himself credit.

The latest polls from NBC are out, and Ted Cruz is on the rise.

Stephanie Psyllos, Hannah Hartig, and Josh Clinton contributed reporting.

The national poll, which surveyed more than 2,440 Republicans and Republican-leaning voters from November 15 to November 17 via SurveyMonkey, has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.


Both are within the 4.2 percent margin of error for this poll. A full description of our methodology and the poll can be found here.

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